Kamado Residence - 10PM

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Having left the van, the Kamado siblings were heading on their way to their house. Izuku had already headed on his own to his apartment but promised to meet back at the vehicle where the others were waiting to take them to their base of operations.

"Okay, we just need to take whatever valuables we can find and get back to van as soon as possible." Tanjiro reminded himself and Nezuko.

His sister nodded, feeling determined as if she was trying to be very brave.

"Hope you're ready. Make sure to keep an eye out for any invaders. Who knows what wicked scheme they're up to."

Entering the empty house, both siblings went to take a look and see what they would take with them.

The Kamado home looked so still in the darkness, it was enough to give even the strongest person the chills. There was a strange sense of foreboding, the siblings couldn't shake off as they ventured down a dark hallway.

"Now let's see..what to take with us..." The elder Kamado sibling looked to see what they could find. A certain box like object caught their attention. "Nezuko, this'll come in handy to keep you hidden from those invaders."

His sister nodded as they went to pick up the box. Strapping it on his back, Tanjiro continued to look for any other valuable item.

During their search, there was a faint sound that was from a distance. A sort of deep growling. Nezuko looked over her shoulder to see if something was following them, but there was nothing. She couldn't help but feel that she and her brother were being followed, especially at a time like this.

"Look, Nezuko." Tanjiro picked up something small, shaped like a bunny. "It reminds us of Mother's lullaby."

Nezuko nodded, gazing at the small bunny figure. A gift from their mother, they treasured dearly to their hearts.

"Okay, now we need to get back to the van and quick. Just hope Izuku made it out alright."

As both siblings prepared to leave their home, the faint growl from before sounded, morphing in to a terrifying shrieking roar. Tanjiro's eyes widened in horror as did Nezuko's.

"Holy shit!! We gotta go!!!"

Both siblings made a quick run for the door, their valuables in hand, fearing that the source of the sound was going to attack them. An invader must have managed to sneak in and kept itself hidden in the shadows.


Back at the van, Yusei remained in the driver's seat. Akira and Denji were in the back, reassuring Belle as best they could. Jotaro was keeping an eye out from his spot in the front passenger seat.

"Good grief. Those kids sure are taking their time." The delinquent remarked.

"I'm sure they've been gone for too long." Belle replied. "For our sake, I hope not."

"Hey, I see them." Denji looked out then turned to the others. "I see them coming!"

"You're right." Akira slid the door open. "Quick, you three! Get in!"

Izuku, Tanjiro and Nezuko didn't need to be told twice as they ran to the van and  got inside, bringing their valuables with them. Once they got seated, Denji slid the van door shut tightly. The three looked as if they ran a mile to get there as quick as they could, their hearts were beating fast, they felt it would explode in their chests for sure.

"Okay Yusei, floor it!"

The turbo duelist nodded and slammed his foot on the accelerator, igniting the engine and in a burst of speed, the van drove off down the road, carrying the survivors.

Hopefully, they would get some answers when they arrived at their base of operations.

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