Oniboshi - 11PM

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The planet, Oniboshi was shrouded in darkness of night, by the time Lum, Chii and Rock had arrived. The alien oni was determined to get rid of those invaders to protect her kind from falling victim to them. If what Eren had told them was true, it would be such a battle until all the invaders would be wiped out and gone for good.

"Oh I just hope my darling is okay." Lum remarked, worrying about Ataru.

"This is not the time to worry about loved ones." Rock reminded her, sternly. "We need to focus on taking out these invaders if you don't want your kind to wind up like them. Besides, he's already gone to a safe place or something."


"You're right. Let's keep going."

The trio ventured off into the darkness. They were needing to take extra precautions in case, any invader would come out and attack them out of nowhere. Hopefully by then, they wouldn't be too late during their mission. Rock already had her weapon at the ready while Lum and Chii were on lookout duty, in case there were any survivors in need of help. There was no one around, meaning that some might have gotten somewhere to safety and keeping themselves hidden away.

However, as they were walking on their way, a snapping sound alerted them. Chii had stepped on a nearby twig on the ground. Rock raised her weapon, having filled it with sake before they left Dragon's castle. Lum looked around fearfully, in case they were heard.

"Do you see anything?" The black haired teen asked, her blue eyes blazing.

"Chii..!" Chii shivered.

"Take cover in the darkness! Quickly!" Lum ordered.

The three took cover into the shadows of the darkened forest. They were careful not to be seen by whatever could find them.
They crouched down as low as possible, trying not to make any more sounds.

Rock began to load her weapon up as Lum and Chii huddled together fearfully.

"Hopefully this'll be enough to eradicate them." Rock remarked to herself as she was locked and loaded.

"Please, be careful Rock! You don't know what those monsters are capable of."

The oni and persocom huddled onto each other for protection as Rock opened fire from her Rock Cannon. A blue blast shot out at the intended target, the smell of sake filling the air as it came into contact with the invader. An ear splitting bloodcurdling scream pierced the night air as the creature's weakness burned him like hot acid, it tried to move toward its opponent to go for the kill but was slowly getting weaker with every step. It was getting so close to Rock, hoping to end her but it was now reduced to nothing but dead remains.

Rock stood over the sake soaked remains as Lum and Chii emerged from their safe spot.

"The hard part's over." Rock informed the oni girl and persocom. "But this invasion isn't. We better get back to the others."

"You're right." Lum agreed. "I hope everyone's doing their best. Right Chii?"

The blonde persocom nodded as the three girls moved to left Oniboshi, now safe from the terrible menace.

"I wonder how Izuku, the Kamado siblings and Eren are doing, though they're helping stock up on sake."

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