Prologue - 6AM

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A brand new day was dawning upon the world. The sun was making itself known, shining its rays upon the various homes and buildings where everyone would be waking up and beginning to go about their day. Yes, in a world of anime, everyone from each and every series, classic and modern would greet the day ahead of them.

Sunlight shone its way through the window of an apartment, the resident of a teenage boy of about fifteen or sixteen, Izuku Midoriya. Warm rays touched his freckled face, causing his emerald green eyes to flutter open. Sitting up in his bed, stretching, he looked over to his All Might digital clock on his bedside table.

"No school today. I wonder what to do."

Getting out of bed, Izuku got himself washed up and dressed into casual clothes, tending to his fluffy dark green hair as he went down to the dining area. His mother, Inko was busy getting breakfast prepared.

"Good morning, dear." The green haired woman beamed before serving up his breakfast. "I got your usual served up for you."

"Thanks, Mom." Izuku rubbed his eyes as he sat down at the table. "You went all out with the eggs today."

Inko smiled warmly at her beloved son as they both began to dine on their morning meal. She was the kind of woman who would support her son like any mother would, especially back when he was revealed to be quirkless. Despite that, her son never stopped chasing his dreams of becoming a hero. A wave of motherly pride would wash over her whenever he did well in U.A. High alongside his friends and fellow classmates.

After both mother and son were fed and watered, Izuku got up as his mother went to gather the plates, cutlery and mugs to be washed.

"Anything planned for today, Izuku?" Asked his mother, turning on the kitchen sink to fill the basin with warm water. She added a drop of washing up liquid inside.

"Oh I don't really know, Mom." Answered Izuku, rubbing the back of his neck. "I mean, all of my friends are very busy. Kacchan, Todoroki, Uraraka..."

His face flushed a shade of pink upon mentioning his fellow classmate whose Quirk was Zero Gravity.

"I know. How about you go out and get some fresh air?" Suggested Inko. She took a rinsed mug out of the basin and put it on the drying rack. "You can't stay in all day."

"You're quite right there, Mom. Perhaps I should find something to do to kill time."

Inko smiled brightly, before kissing her son on the cheek. "Make sure to return home before it gets dark and be very careful out there."

Izuku smiled back. "Okay, love you Mom."


Outside in the streets, Izuku breathed in the crisp clean air. It certainly was a nice day outside and everyone was doing their own thing like any other day. There were so many things to do, yet the possibilities were hard to choose.

"Hey Izuku!"

The green haired boy turned to see two siblings, Tanjiro and Nezuko Kamado, having walked past their residence. Nezuko was waving to him, beside her brother.

"Tanjiro. Nezuko."

Izuku smiled as the Kamado siblings came to greet him, even when Nezuko threw her arms around him in a hug, knocking the wind out of him.

"So any plans for today?" Asked Tanjiro, as Nezuko released Izuku from her hug.

"Well I've not got school today and my friends are busy with other things." Answered Izuku.

"Mmm mmm." Nezuko made a suggestion. Despite wearing a bamboo muzzle to keep her demon form at bay, she always knew what to say.

"Maybe a little walk around the park sounds good." Tanjiro replied.

Izuku nodded in agreement and the three went on their way.

The journey to the park was a very brisk walk as the hero in training, aspiring demon slayer and his demon sister were conversing animatedly about their lives. Passing by a building, something pinned on the wall caught their attention. A poster  showed a beautiful young maiden with king rose pink hair, extended to her knees with fair skin, sapphire blue eyes, reddish-pink freckles in a straight line and white lines on her face and full red lips. She was dressed in a beautiful gown of deep red adorned with red flowers. A crown of red flowers sat atop her head.

"Look. Belle's gonna be performing a concert at Kaiba Land." Izuku read the poster. "I thought she only did performances in U."

"Apparently, she started doing concerts in other parts of the world." Tanjiro observed. "She's gotten so very popular, everyone adored her."

Nezuko nodded excitedly in agreement, happy muffled sounds coming from behind her bamboo muzzle.

"Well if it's okay with my mom, then I'd be up for it. I bet my friends would be coming too."

The Kamado siblings beamed as the trio continued on their way.


The local park was blossoming in natural beauty as colourful flowers were on display. Lots of trees were standing tall as the three friends were walking and admiring the nature around them. Blissfully unaware that Nezuko was nowhere to be seen.


Izuku looked around. "I thought she was with us."

"She couldn't have run off or something, knowing her." Tanjiro replied.

The two boys began to look around to see where she had hidden. What they didn't notice was the sound of rustling. They were just about to keep looking when, out of nowhere...

A figure jumped out of a nearby bush, the pupils in its light pink eyes were slits, accompanied by a muffled growl, causing the two boys to scream in fright.

The figure let out a small giggle.

"Oh Nezuko, it's just you." Izuku was trying to get his breath back.

Tanjiro was laughing it off. "You really got us there."

Nezuko patted both boys on the head as they continued on their way.

The trio continued conversing with one another during every step they took, to pass the time. Little do they know, someone was afoot and about to happen that will change their lives forever.



Upon the darkness of nighttime, strange sounds came from a distant cavern that was well hidden from the world. Without any warning, a strange swarm flew out into the night sky, making its presence known to the world, flying in different groups.

This would be the beginning of an invasion.

InvasionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz