Chapter 22

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!TW - Eating disorder, anxiety!

The morning after, Nick wakes up. He turns to see Charlie lying asleep next to him. He raises his hand and pats Charlie lightly on the cheek, causing Charlie to start to wake up slowly.
"Hi" says Nick.
"Hi" Charlie says tiredly back, still half asleep. Nick really admires his nice boyfriend so much, right now Nick just wants to come home and be with Charlie alone.
"Shall we get up and have breakfast before we start packing our things?" Nick asks and Charlie's body language changes immediately. He becomes uncomfortable and Nick notices it.
"What's wrong?" He asks soon after, hugging Charlie as where he lies.
"Sorry, but I'm not that hungry right now..." Charlie answers uncertainly, he doesn't want Nick to get mad.
"It's all right Charlie. Do you want to come down to the kitchen with me at least?" Nick asks and Charlie nods back, still tired as he is. They go down the stairs and into the kitchen, where they meet the others. They have also just woken up so everyone makes their own breakfast and they sit and eat together, talking and laughing. Charlie doesn't eat anything, but at the same time it's not something that any of the others question - it's a relief.

After breakfast, everyone packs their bags and a moment later the car rolls away from the small cabin in the middle of the forest. They have the same seats in the car as always - Tao and Elle in the front, Isaac, Charlie and Nick in the back.

Nick and Charlie are the last to be dropped off at Nick's house.
"Thank you Tao for these days" says Nick and jumps out of the car. Charlie is about to get out of the car when Tao says his name. Charlie turns and looks at Tao sitting in the driver's seat.
"Take care, okay?"
"I will, thanks Tao" Charlie replies cheerfully and jumps out of the car. They stand in the doorway to the front door and wave to Tao who drives off. When he is out of sight Charlie turns to Nick. He is about to give Nick a kiss when Nick takes a step back.
"Dont" he says in a serious voice. Charlie becomes pensive and a little stressed.
"Why not?"
They stand close to each other. Nick suddenly grabs Charlie's hand and Charlie looks up at Nick, looking into his big brown eyes. Nick lets out a small smile.
"Because if you do, I won't be able to stop" Nick replies with a now lighter tone in his voice. The thought of doing 'it' with nick makes Charlie's knees feel weak. Charlie keeps his gaze fixed on Nick as he stands on his toes and presses his lips against nicks.

The end :)

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