Chapter 7

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!TW - Anxiety!

"I will never leave you Charlie, never. We still have the whole summer together! And all about Uni - we will take that then, okay?" Nick says and continues to play with Charlie curls. Charlie nods in response. There is a sudden knock on the door and Charlie quickly sits up in bed next to Nick. Fast, he hides his bandages arm under a pillow.
"You okay?" Nick asks and Charlie nods back. Nick tells the person on the other side of the door to come in. Elle comes in, closes the door behind her and sits on the edge of the bed. Charlie quickly panics at the sight of Elle, he starts shaking and thinks back to what happened in the kitchen an hour or so earlier. He doesn't think too much and just lets whatever he thinks come out of his mouth.
"I'm sorry, so sorry. I'm a fool, I know it. Sorry. I should have said something, I should have..". He interrupts by tears that make their way down his cheeks. He puts his face in the pillow I have in his lap. Nick puts a hand on Charlie's shoulder to calm him down a bit.
"Charlie..." Elle says quietly and softly, almost in a whisper. Charlie looks up from the pillow and meets Elle's eyes.
"To know that you're okay is all that matters to me right now, okay?" She continues, ending with a sad smile. Charlie nods back in response. He doesn't know what he has done to get this amazing friends.
"There's dinner downstairs if you guys want any" Elle says after a moment of silence. She looks at Nick and then at Charlie.
"No pressure Charlie, only if you want" she says before getting up from the bed and leaving the room.

Nick and Charlie go down the stairs and into the kitchen. He gets a bit anxious to be in the kitchen, but with Nicks hand in his, he manages. Everyone sits around the table and eats, talks and laughs - as if nothing has happened. But during dinner, Tao sits completely quiet, like he is in his own little world. Not knowing why Tao is so quiet, Charlie feels guilty anyway. He should have told Tao, he is his best friend after all.

After Tao has finished his food, he stands up and leaves the kitchen. Charlie looks after him thoughtfully before looking at Nick and giving a look that says 'I will be back soon'. Charlie also leaves the kitchen and meets Tao in the living room.
"Are you okay Tao?" Charlie asks. Tao doesn't look at him, just sits on the couch and looks down at the floor.
"What do you think Charlie? Of course I'm not! I thought you were getting better!" Tao yells back, unable to control his anger.
"You were eating and talking and laughing, so what happened? Do you understand how hard it has been for me to get you back to yourself? And now you just—" Tao stops. He stands up from the couch and start walking towards the front door.

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