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Y/n lay in bed, her heart swollen with love and exhaustion. Beside her, in a tiny crib, slept her precious newborn daughter, her delicate features barely visible beneath a fluffy pink blanket.

Mrs. Jung tiptoed closer to the crib, her eyes glistening with tears. 

Y/m- Oh, Y/n, she's absolutely divine! Like a little angel sent straight from heaven.

Y/n smiled, her voice trembling with emotion. 

Y/n- Isn't she just perfect, Mom? I can't believe I've been blessed with such a beautiful baby girl.

Mr. Jung approached his daughter slowly, a gentle smile spreading across his face. 

Y/f- You've become a mother, Y/n. I couldn't be prouder. Our family has grown, and this little angel will bring so much happiness into our lives.

Hoseok, could not contain his excitement. With an uncontainable smile on his face, he approached his sister and the newborn. 

Hoseok- I'm going to be the best uncle ever!

He declared, beaming with pride. Just then, Jimin and Ana, walked into the room, their faces beaming with happiness. They rushed to Y/n's side, showering her with gentle hugs. 

Ana- Oh my gosh, Y/n, she's the cutest little thing I've ever seen!

She exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine love. Jimin, equally captivated by the newborn's charm, couldn't help but let out an excited giggle. 

Jimin- I can't wait until she's old enough for us to teach her all our dance moves!

He exclaimed, wiggling his eyebrows in a playful manner. Ana gently touched the baby's cheek, her face lighting up with adoration. 

Ana- Y/n, she's a precious little angel. You must be over the moon.

She remarked, her voice filled with genuine happiness.

Jimin- Y/n, where's Taehyung?

He asked, glancing at his watch. Y/n smiled reassuringly. 

Y/n- Don't worry, he'll be here soon. I think he got held up with some last-minute business.


Taehyung- I can't believe we're parents now.

He whispered, his voice filled with awe. Y/n smiled weakly, her eyes teary with emotion. 

Y/n- I can't believe it either, Tae. She's perfect, isn't she?

Taehyung- Absolutely. She has your eyes, Y/n. I can see so much of you in her.

He replied, his gaze fixated on their daughter. Y/n laughed softly, gazing at their daughter's captivating presence. 

Y/n- She truly is a perfect blend of us, Tae. And she's brought us even closer.

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