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Jin rushed to Irene's side as she doubled over in pain, clutching her bulging belly. The labor pains had started, catching him off guard.

Panicked but determined, Jin dashed into the living room where Y/n and Taehyung were engrossed in deep conversation. As he entered, the room fell silent, and their eyes widened in concern at the sight of Jin's anxious expression.

Jin- Guys, Irene's going into labor.

He exclaimed, his voice filled with worry. The three of them loaded Irene into Jin's car, with Taehyung driving while Jin sat by Irene's side, trying to soothe her. Y/n sat in the back seat, gripping Irene's hand tightly, providing some semblance of comfort during the stressful journey.

The ride to the hospital felt like an eternity, with Jin periodically checking on Irene's pain and whispering words of encouragement. Irene, overwhelmed by the pain, tears streaming down her face, clung to Jin's hand as if her life depended on it. 

Irene- Stay with me, Jin.

She gasped between shallow breaths. Jin's soothing voice filled the car.

Jin- I'm right here, my love. We'll get through this together.


Jin paced anxiously outside the delivery room, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Finally, after months of anticipation, Irene was about to give birth to their first child. He couldn't wait to hold their little bundle of joy in his arms.

Irene exhaled deeply, her heart pounding with anticipation. She lay on the hospital bed, her husband Jin at her side, tightly holding her hand.

As the contractions intensified, Irene's face lit up with a mix of nervousness. Jin held her hand tightly, reassuring her that everything would be fine. Y/n and Taehyung were pacing nervously in the waiting area, their anticipation almost tangible in the air.

After what seemed like hours of intense pain and labor, Irene finally heard the sweet cries of her newborn son. Tears streamed down her face as she held the tiny bundle in her arms for the first time. The room was filled with joy and relief as Irene's heart overflowed with love.

Jin couldn't contain his happiness, a radiant smile plastered across his face. He leaned in to kiss Irene's forehead and whispered.

Jin- You did it, my love. Our little prince is finally here. He's beautiful.

He whispered, his voice filled with awe. Irene nodded, her gaze fixed on their son. 

Irene- Yes, he's perfect.

Just then, Y/n and Taehyung burst into the room, their faces beaming with excitement. They rushed to Irene's side, eager to see the newest addition to their family.

Y/n- Oh my goodness, Unnie! Congratulations.

She said, her voice filled with pure adoration. 

Taehyung- He looks just like Hyung.

He marveled at the tiny features of the baby boy, overwhelmed by the sense of love and responsibility he already felt.

Taehyung- I can't believe I'm an uncle. I'm going to be the coolest uncle ever.

He chuckled, his eyes glistening. Jin extended an arm, inviting Y/n to hold the baby. As she cradled the little one, her eyes filled with adoration and warmth.

Y/n- He's got your eyes, Oppa and his nose is just like Unnie's. He's going to be just as handsome as his father.

She said softly, her voice filled with affection. Jin laughed, pride evident in his eyes. Taehyung couldn't hide his excitement and blurted out.

Taehyung- Hey there, little nephew! Prepare to have your mind blown by your amazing uncle skills!

He exclaimed, causing everyone to chuckle. Y/n playfully nudged him. 

Taehyung- I can't believe how precious he is! I think he's going to be a superstar, just like his parents.

Y/n giggled at Taehyung's playful remark and whispered, 

Y/n- Look at his little cheeks, they are just too cute! He's absolutely adorable.

She whispered, gently touching the baby's tiny fingers.

Their parents and grandpa arrived at the hospital to meet their newest family member. They entered the room, their faces filled with sheer delight.

Mrs. Kim hugged Irene tightly, tears streaming down her face. 

T/m- Congratulations, my dear. You've given us the most precious gift. Our family is now complete.

Mr. Kim couldn't help but wipe away a tear of his own. 

T/f- Welcome to the world, grandson. You're going to bring so much love and joy into our lives.

Meanwhile, Grandpa, with a twinkle in his eyes, approached Jin and Irene. He took a good look at the baby before turning to his great-grandson.

G/Kim- Little one, you're going to grow up in a family filled with love, laughter, and endless stories. I can't wait to tell you about all the adventures your ancestors had.

He said, his voice tender. Irene smiled at the thought of her child growing up surrounded by love from every generation of their family. It was a beautiful picture of happiness and togetherness. She gently caressed the baby's cheek, tears of joy streaming down her face. 

Irene- Oh, he's perfect.

She murmured, her voice filled with love and tenderness. Mr. Kim stood beside her, his eyes brimming with pride. 

Irene- Our family is growing, I can't believe how lucky we are to have this little one in our lives.

She said, his voice full of emotion. 



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