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Taehyung was making his way to his office cabin, his mind preoccupied with the day's tasks ahead

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Taehyung was making his way to his office cabin, his mind preoccupied with the day's tasks ahead. But as he approached, he unintentionally halted in his tracks, freezing on the spot. The sound of Jihyun's voice drifted to his ears, engaged in a conversation with another colleague.

Curiosity got the best of him as he strained to listen, his heart starting to pound heavily in his chest. And then, he heard it. Jihyun's words echoed through the hallway, filling Taehyung with a mixture of anger and disbelief.

Jihyun, his employee, was engrossed in an intense discussion with another coworker.

Jihyun- I can't keep it a secret any longer. I'm going to propose to Y/n.

Jihyun confessed with a nervous yet determined tone.

Taehyung's grip tightened around his coffee cup, the hot liquid almost spilling over the rim. His mind raced, trying to comprehend what he had just heard. 

He clenched his fists tightly, feeling a surge of anger welling up inside him. How could Jihyun have the audacity to share such a sentiment about his own wife.

Taehyung took a deep breath and continued towards his cabin, but his thoughts lingered on the troubling revelation. Conflicting scenarios played out in his mind. Was Jihyun speaking about his wife Y/n, or was it another Y/n, a different person entirely?

Taehyung's mind raced, filled with disbelief and jealousy. He couldn't fathom the possibility of anyone else having feelings for Y/n. Although their relationship had started on rough grounds, their chemistry had developed over time.

Once inside, Taehyung closed the door behind him, trying to shut out the noise of the office. He sank into his chair.


Jin quickly caught up to Taehyung as they were leaving the office. Taehyung had his head buried in his phone, seemingly unaware of the world around him.

Jin- Hey, Taehyung.

He said, tapping him on the shoulder. Taehyung jumped, startled, and looked at Jin with wide eyes.

Taehyung- Oh, it's you, Hyung.

Jin- Guess what? I just got a call from Grandpa. He's throwing a big party to celebrate the 50th anniversary of our family's business empire!

Taehyung- Seriously? That's amazing! How come I didn't know about this?

Jin: I think it was supposed to be a surprise. Grandfather wanted us to find out on our own.

Taehyung- Wow, he really knows how to keep a secret. So, what's the plan for the celebration?

Jin- It's going to be a grand affair with all our business partners, employees, and even some international delegates attending.

Taehyung- Then we need to start preparing right away.

Jin- Don't worry, Tae. I've already taken care of most of it. I've booked a venue, arranged for catering, and sent out invitations.

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