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Monday evening

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Monday evening

6:30 pm

I stand to my fit, stretching. I've been glued to this chair for two hours getting paid to do homework.

My actual job is a receptionist at the Marriot hotel in downtown Atlanta. The job itself is pretty simple, it doesn't require much. I check people in and out, answer the phone and take on concerns that customers may have which is rare. The employees did a decent job of working efficiently in that department. "Heading out?", I hear from behind me. It was one of my co-workers, Kenya. She's a nice girl that I would talk to every mow and again. "Yeah, my shift is finally over", I respond and we share a laugh.

"You ain't wasting no time, I feel you girl", Kenya responds as I inch out the facility. I tell her bye before heading to the parking lot. I didn't mind my job, it pays well on top of the internship that I'm pursuing at the moment. They're flexible with my hours since I happen to be cool with the manager and understand that I'm a college student. In a way, I'm using it as an advantage.

When I get in the car, my phone automatically connects to the Bluetooth. My music from earlier starts to blast. In the midst of traffic, I go to my contacts and come across Dijon's name. We have been talking more frequently since our date, it made us a little closer. I've always found him attractive but I'm definitely starting to take a liking to him. We don't spend the whole day texting or constantly being on the phone, our schedules are a bit different. I notice that he does make an effort to talk often though, whether it's checking in on me or having random conversations.

Should I call him?

I go against my better judgement and press the call icon. The phone rings for a second before he answers, "Hello". His phone rings through the car, from the raspy tone I'm guessing that he just woke up. "Were you sleep? I can call back later", I tell him quickly.

"Nah ma, you good. I'm glad you called", I don't know how but I could imagine him smiling. "You in the car?"

"Yeah I just got off work", I tell him as I go to merge on the expressway. "Let me get the hell from behind you", I say, quickly going to switch lanes. I hate being behind big trucks, being close to them in general gives me anxiety.

"I got her thinking about me fresh off the job? Someone must be feeling me", he jokes and I smack my lips.

"You aight", I burst out in laughter as he sucks his teeth.

"Aight? Not you trynna downplay me"

I hum to myself, "You cool peoples, I guess"

"Girl you stay cheesing just from looking at me. I ain't trynna ear it", he retorts and I gasp. "See you ain't even have to do all that", I reply as we laugh together.

He stays with me on the phone the whole way home. It was a nice conversation that kept me entertained through the wrath of traffic. "Ugh, I don't wanna cook", I whine as I get my belongings out the car. I invested in a large tote bag so I wouldn't have to lug as much around with multiple bags. "Let me cook for you tomorrow, I still owe you a meal", he says and I stop in the middle of the parking lot as if he could see me.

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