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Three weeks later

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Three weeks later...
4:00 pm

My eyes shoot open, feeling someone jump at the end of the bed. I peek an eye open, and then both widen seeing Nova casually at the end of the bed. "Aria must've let you in", I guessed because I had no clue she planned on coming over today. She nods with a obvious facial expression, "Girl I've been here for an hour, sleeping beauty", she retorts. I turn on my back completely so I can face her better.

   "Poor thing, are you tired? How was your exam yesterday?"

   I sit up, checking my phone to see some notifications from my mother. All of them giving me constant reminders about the family meeting later this evening. I would formally be meeting her new boyfriend and son. There wasn't much excitement to say the least, mostly because this has been consistent for the past few years. She meets a new man, parades them around for a few months and then has some grand sob story about why it didn't workout. Luckily, she didn't start dating around until I went away for college so I rarely have to deal with the new characters.

"It went okay, I guess. That's not why I'm tired though, just thinking about this family dinner makes me cringe"

Nova pouts and climbs further in the bed to lay closer to me. "Aria and I will be here when you get back! We can have some drinks and play games", she says in efforts of cheering me up. She is well aware of how draining this is for me. "Sounds good?"

"Yea", the sadness evident in my voice.

"Gianna perked up, maybe this could be the one this time"

I roll my eyes, "She said that about the last five". I push the covers off me and stand to my feet. "I'll just do my part as the child and shut up"

"Yup and give us all the tea after!", Nova adds in causing me to laugh. "Of course", I respond as I dig through my drawer for undergarments and an outfit.

"I brought some of your favorites", Aria pops her head in, holding a bag of snacks that I usually eat. I marveled over the hot cheeto puffs, flamin puff corn, and ranch flavored sunflower seeds. "Awe thank you", I gush, running up to give her a hug.

"I got us a bottle for later, I know you'll need one", she includes and we all laugh.

I smile, "Yes indeed"



I let myself inside, the instant smell of salmon hitting my nose. I hang my purse and jacket on the coat rack and sit at the table behind the counter. I look around seeing that she changed a few things around since last week. "A new sofa huh?", I point out and she rolls her eyes.

"Hey to you too, Gi", she smiles. "Yes it came in yesterday, isn't it cute?"

"Yea it is", I admit, watching her spread some garlic butter over the broccoli. My mouth watered just at the sight of the food and maybe that was because I haven't eaten much. "So go ahead and give me the run down about ole dude"

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