03| 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 1

Start from the beginning

— I couldn't find a sitter.. —Toothless roars as Fishlegs uses him to get up, Toothless shakes his head as his teeth are bared at Fishlegs, who smiles nervously.—

— Demons everywhere! —The man starts to run away while screaming at the top of his lungs.— It's the end of the world! —He was suddenly rammed into a cage, knocking him out and revealing Aster behind him.—

— His screams were already bothering me.. —Aster lets out a frustrated sigh, his eyebrows were furrowed and there was a change in him after what happened a year ago.— 

— Aster. I had him right where I wanted him.. —Hiccup shows him a smile, taking steps towards him.—

— I watched you play with this one, Hiccup. And now he's right where I wanted him.. —He taps Hiccup's shoulder lightly, without changing the expression on his face.— Let's get to work.. —

— Okay, we screwed that up, but at least nobody else knows we're here.. —

— That's what you think, Hiccup.. —Aster says, preparing his ax for anything.—

Hiccup turns to him, staring at him, knowing about the change in personality he had after a year after what happened. But he denies so he can focus on the mission at hand. A baby dragon growls as Hiccup opens the cage, making him slowly hold his hand out.

— Easy, girl. It's okay.. —he gently shushes her as she snaps at him, setting his hand on her snout.— We're gonna get you out of here.. —

Fishlegs opens a cage to find himself face to face with a huge purple dragon.

— A crimson goregutter! —Fishlegs squeals with excitement, the baby Gronckle that he still had with him lets out happy sounds and the crimson goregutter looks at the little dragon with a soft growl with a calm expression.—

— Look at this weirdo..—Ruffnut laughs at the little purple dragon in the cage.— Bet it's super-dumb.. —Aster stood behind her, looking at her with a raised eyebrow. Ruffnut grunts as she pulls against the metal bars of the cage.— Why can't I get this cage open? —

— It slides.. —Aster informs, sliding the lock as the cage slowly opens.—

— Obviously.. —Ruffnut scoffs, swinging on the cell door.—

A scream from a man in the distance caught everyone's attention, Aster gasps looking towards the screams. Toothless lands next to Hiccup, as he yells at everyone.

— Get the rescues out of here!.. —

— Get that Night Fury.. —

Aster nods at Hiccup's order, lowers his mask to go against the men and start a battle alongside Hiccup. Toothless runs forward, knocking down a few men.

— No running on the deck! —Tuffnut scolds as he tries to open the cage, the man gets up so he can attack him but Ruffnut interrupts his attack by grabbing the man's ax but it gets stuck in the wooden floor.— It's slippery. You could fall.. —

— Step aside! Let me handle the tough guy stuff.. —Snotlout rushes in between two men, twirling his mace. They stare at him before screaming as fire was blasted at them from behind Snotlout.— Yeah! That's two for me.. —

— Look out! —Fishlegs screams but ducks when baby Gronckle jumps out of his arms while a man wanted to attack him from behind but hit his companion.—

As Hiccup and Aster fight a group of men, Hiccup crouches while Aster leans on Hiccup's back so he can kick a man in the face. Hiccup swings a cage door open as a man rushes to him, making him slam against it as Toothless shoves him into the cage.

— Thank you.. —Toothless nods, as Hiccup pets his head.— Now, go get the rest, bud.. —

— I thought this was supposed to be a stealth mission.. —Aster was at Hiccup's side as he left an unconscious man on the ground.—

— Yeah, they always start that way.. —Hiccup replies, looking around. Aster looks behind him and sees a man running towards them, but before he attacks them, Stormfly grabs the man and throws him into the sea.—

— Thanks, Stormfly!..—

From somewhere, Valka and Cloudjumper were watching everything while the dragons flew around.

— Oh, stop worrying.. —Valka says, Cloudjumper rumbling as he looks down.— They'll get it.. —Snotlout screams as he leaping off a cage and getting snagged by his cape as his mace lands on the deck.— Eventually.. —Valka sighs, shaking her head as Cloudjumper winces.—

— Move out! We got 'em all.. —Hiccup dodges a man when Aster throws him in his direction.— Aster, you almost knocked me down.. —

— Oh, I'm sorry, friend. —Aster smiles slightly.—

— I'm gonna headlock every last one of you.. —Tuffnut growls at the men cornering him and Ruffnut.— I might even leg-lock you.. —Ruffnut cackles, Barf and Belch scooping them up and flying off.— 

— Amateurs. I was just getting started.. —Snotlout mocks, thrashing his legs as Hookfang grabs him by his cloak.— 

— Clear out, guys! Go, go! —Aster shouts, waving his arm and leaping on Stormfly.—

Fishlegs shrieks as he runs from the men before leaping off the ship, landing on Meatlug.

— Good hustle, boys! —Hiccup shouts into the distance. Toothless walked through the cages, now empty, but at one point something caught his attention. His eyes narrow as he looks closer, and he lets out a sound of surprise when he feels something collide with his nose.—

The sensation of the crash seemed so familiar to him, he didn't move away and he also rubbed his nose better against that invisible thing that he couldn't see, a soft purr came out of Toothless.

— Toothless, time to go! —Hiccup's voice made Toothless open his eyes slowly, he didn't want to leave there. He moved away from the touch and went towards the owner of him. After Toothless left, two blue eyes appeared and followed him while a purring was heard.—

— Oh.. —Hiccup turned around and saw a huge group approaching him.— Hey, guys.. —The guards maliciously laugh before some start screaming, Toothless knocked down some until he reached Hiccup, who climbs on top of him.— You always have my back, bud.. —

To be continued...

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