How to Play Football Pt 1

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Warning: I do not know much about football, so please don't be offended at the multiple inaccuracies.

Hardcase: I have an idea!

Rex: That is not something I want to hear on a rest weekend.

Hardcase: I promise it's not crazy this time. I went to this universe where they have a sport called football. I was thinking maybe we could invite the Seperatists for a friendly game.

Rex: Does it involve shoving them into prison cells?

Hardcase:Nah, from what I understand you just have to help your team get a ball across the field as many times as possible. But you do get to shove people out of the way.

Rex: I'll go pitch the idea...

2 Days Later

Dooku: I need eleven people who are good at sports. Ventress, I want you on the team.

Ventress: No. I hate your guts.

Dooku: I'll give you a year's supply of Jamba Juice.

Ventress: Throw in a year's supply of weed and I'll consider it.

Dooku: How dare you do drugs?!

Ventress: Not for me, for my boyfriend.

Dooku: Fine. Grievous?

Grievous: What do I have to do?

Dooku: I need you to trip up the other team.

Grievous: Mwahaha.

Dooku: Ok, Maul?

Maul: Why the kriff would I help you?!

Dooku:I'll leave you alone for a year.

Maul: Fine. Savage and his new girlfriend will want to play too.

Dooku: Great. I'll figure out the others later.


Mace Windu: Fine, but I'm not playing this game. Who else is on the team?

Rex: Me, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ashla, Ahsoka, Cody, Fives, Echo, Yoda, and Quinlan. We just need one more person.

Windu: I believe your Hardcase will enjoy this.

Rex: He's the referee.

Windu: I think you'll have a better chance having Master Krell on your team.

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