Fifteen - Spaceship

Start from the beginning

"Very well. Have a safe travel home, your highness. You as well, sir Thaneous," the commander says, giving a nod to us. We offer a nod before we turn and take our leave.

"Prince Xenophon," the commander calls after me. I pause and turn back, looking over my shoulder at the officer.


"There were three humans in your area we exterminated today. How was this overlooked by the prince of the Dracus Kingdom?" He asks suspiciously.

I feel my chest tighten with anger. It wasn't often that someone dared to speak against one of the royals, much less accusing one of not doing their job properly. Of course, I knew he was right, and that I had indeed been the one to let the humans live, but I was certainly not going to let him continue being suspicious of this.

"Humans are smarter than you'd think. They were probably hiding," I say, turning back and facing him. I take several strides until I'm directly in front of him. I'm several inches taller than the older man and I emit a powerful aura as I let out a warning growl.

"Never question me, or anyone in my family again, commander. I will have your title wiped if I hear anything suggestive to my loyalty to the throne about or any of my kin again understood? Know your place," I snarl out in a low, deep tone. I had to show him my dominance as I had been taught to from being raised to be the next king.

"Y-yes your highness. I apologize for my words. Safe travels," he squirms beneath my gaze before he walks away quickly, returning to a room behind a closed door. I hear an amused chuckle come from behind me.

"Nice work, Xeno. I'd almost forgotten your ability to intimidate like that. Now that you've got the commander pissing his drawers, let's get back on task, ey?" Thane smirks from the doorway with another chuckle.

"Let's go," I grumble as I storm away, walking past Thane in the process. All I wanted was to get back to my female and off this damn planet so we could keep her safe from these idiots. I knew I would have to have a conversation with my father about the treatment of the humans, but it was something I'd have to do another time. For now, I was only looking to get my mate to safety.

We take half the time to get back to the ship, long speedy strides hauling us quickly back. As soon as I get there, the door opens and reveals my mate, looking up at me with beautiful, emerald like eyes. The smile on her face when I return melts my heart, making my own lips curl up as well. I feel all the tension from the previous moments fade and she's all that I can focus on once more.

"I missed you," she says, taking small steps over to me before she puts her small arms around my waist and hugs me. I take her into my arms welcomingly, holding her close as I kiss the top of her head.

Morgan's point of view

I feel saddened as I watch Xenophon and Thane leave the ship, wanting nothing more than to be in Xen's arms.

"They won't be long," Zeek reassures me, noticing my longing looks towards the door.

"Morgan. May I?" Zor steps forward, looking down to refer to my lower stomach.

"Of course! You don't have to ask! You are its uncle after all," I say with a warm smile. A smile grew on his face as he nods before crouching down before me. He gently places his hands on my lower tummy before he leans in and places an ear to it.

"The child is healthy. I will be able to determine gender in a few weeks," he states as he stands back up.

"A few weeks? Isn't that too soon?" I question, confused but excited at the news.

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