Fifteen - Spaceship

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Xenophon's point of view

I feel a pull in my chest as I leave Morgan behind for the first time since we had consummated our bond. It was a dread like feeling, but I knew I had to finish my task in order to assure the safety of not just her, but our unborn child now too.

"Xenophon," Thaneous stops me just before we exit the seating area.

"What is it, cousin?" I ask as I face him and his face grows dark.

"I know she's your mate, but I will warn you... If you are to ever sever your bond, I will be the one to take her away from you," he warns me. I give him a low growl.

"I would never do such a thing. She's carrying my child too. I would be a fool to do anything to sever such a precious bond," I state. I was being truthful. I felt awful just leaving Morgan alone on the ship with my brothers, I certainly would never do anything to void our connection.

"I appreciate your concern for my mate though," I finally say after a moment of tension. "I'm sure if anything were to happen to me, she would be safe with you," I state. Thaneous's normal smirk returns. I knew just the feeling he had shared with Morgan, and though it was no longer a viable connection, I was sure he would never forget the pull to her. I was in a sense grateful that she had someone else to look out for her in the case that I could not.

"Take care of her," he gives a last warning before he walks out ahead of me. Thane had always been close to our family while we were growing up. We'd especially been close having been born less than a year apart. We had grown up together and since our parents always worked closely together, we were always together as a result. I, however, was trained to be the next king of the kingdom while he trained to be the best of the royal guard.

"What are you doing to tell the commander?" Thane asks me as we walk through the stark white halls.

"Just what he needs to know, that the four of us are leaving as soon as possible. He doesn't need to know why, but if he asks I'll tell him we have things to take care of back home," I explain to Thane.

"That works."

Thaneous was a cocky but simple man. He knew when to speak and when to bite his tongue. Growing up around the crown guard made him this way I would assume. Had I not had several siblings, I would have made him my second in command and the next heir if something were to happen to me. He was wise despite his jests and occasionally snarky attitude, which made him very valuable to the guard and the kingdom as a whole.

We take quick strides to get to the command center where the overseeing officer would likely be found. The hallways were fairly vacant, most of the men being out on duty at this time of day. Any men we did pass would bow in respect or nod to us as we made our way through the base.

We enter the center, an all white office like room. As we suspected, the commander in charge was seated at the head desk. He was an older dyspherian, someone I had seen several times growing up at the center of the kingdom. Since I was just a teenager, I'd been tasked to follow my father to all his meetings and learn just how to care for our people. It was here that I'd seen this commander several times.

"Prince Xenophon, to what do I owe the honor of a visit from the Dracus heir?" The commander stands and bows before me in a formal manner.

"I've simply come to inform you we will be leaving immediately," I state flatly.

"I thought you weren't due to leave for another couple days. Is everything alright, your highness?" The commander asks.

"Everything is fine. My brothers and I just wanted to get back to the kingdom in a timely manner as we have things to attend to upon our return. Thaneous is coming along with us as our personal guard as well," I explain. He doesn't argue, but it is clear he knows something was amiss. Nonetheless, he bows again and offers an official, fake smile.

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