My Vampire

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Pffffffffffffffff huuuuu pfffffffffffffff!(DNA whistle sound)

the shrieking whistles in the deep Aak forest led Kim Manseok,the Village Chief to follow the sound.This lead him into the deep forest. As soon as his foot stepped on a clutch,the pointed stick from the ground rose with electric force and pierced into his heart.

The blood oozing out of his chest like a fountain.This was the first kill of "The Vampire", Jungkook.

After 6 months

The moon hung low in the midnight sky, casting a haunting glow on the dense Aak forest.

As the fear of the blood thirsty vampire lingered in the air. The once busy village had fallen into a dreadful silence.

The night had become a haunting nightmare, and a deafening self imposed curfew had been observed.

By 8 pm, the streets were barren, devoid of any man daring to walk the road which was undoubtedly the vampire's reign of terror.

Most saw it safe to return to their homes by 6 pm, seeking protection behind locked doors and windows.

Whispers echoed through the village, spreading the peculiar knowledge that the vampire had been sent by God and served a sense of justice to the villagers.

Children and women were never targeted. Only the notorious and infamous criminals were the chosen targets.

But these were not random victims; the vampire, it appeared, had a moral compass. His sights were set on the low lifes who should have been locked behind bars for their crimes, yet roamed freely under the corrupt kingdom's negligence.

The villagers, caught in the crossroads of fear and gratitude, viewed the vampire's killing spree as a divine intervention,as a messiah sent by God.

A blessing in disguise, they whispered, for he rid them of the lawless men who once terrorized their lives. However, an uneasy uncertainty clouded their minds.

Was the vampire a selective vigilante, or did he harbor a more indiscriminate hunger and wouldn't spare if an innocent ever crossed paths with him.

Amidst the chilling silence, a new proverb began to circulate : "Better be home than be in a donggul(cave of the vampire)." The implication was clear - it was wiser for men to huddle within the safety of their homes than to venture recklessly into the night.

The haunting vampire silently stalked through the narrow lanes of the village, his eyes gleaming with hunger.

The chilling winds whispered tales of his victims - 99 lives taken, one more to claim for ultimate power.

The lore dictated that to attain immortality, Jungkook needed to claim the lives of precisely 100 victims.

Ninety-nine had succumbed to a dreadful death.

News of Jungkook's killing rampage reached the royal ear, the Queen was quick to dispatch her finest soldiers to catch the menacing vampire.She was scared that the vampire might become a threat to her regime(rule) as the vampire already challenged her system of Justice by punishing the known criminals.

She ordered the soldiers to lock up Prince Taehyung again but he wasn't found in his room.Had he already been kidnapped by the vampire.So,the rumours were true.The Vampire was out on a hunt for his 100th victim and the victim was going to be Prince Taehyung.

MY VAMPIRE-A TAEKOOK ONESHOTМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя