Chapter 10

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"Mmm... This is amazing!" you joyfully exclaim as you take a bite from the eclair sitting on the small plate before you.

"Is it that good?" the woman asks with a smile as she watches you bubbling with excitement.

"Mmhmm!" you happily nod as you take another bite."Thank you so much for this, Trish!"

She smiles, leaning back in her chair."You know, there was a good place just across the street selling all kinds of pizzas."

"Oh, that's all right. I was craving something sweet anyway."

"Well... as long as you're satisfied." She takes a sip of her coffee before moving closer to the table."So, what's your plan for now?"

"Hmm?" You look up before putting the last bite of eclair into your mouth.

"You said you don't have anywhere to go."

You put down your fork, replying, "That's... I haven't really thought about it..."

"What about your family?" she asks.

"Oh, they don't live here," you respond.

"Can't you contact them?"

"No, I would've done that already if that had been possible."

"I see..." She frowns."You know, this place has become quite dangerous. Especially with those rogue demons randomly lurking around in the city..." She pauses, pondering something before continuing, "If you're okay, I have a place in mind. You'll be safe there, at least for now."

Hearing those words, your eyes sparkle with hope. "Really!? Oh my god! Thank you so much! You're such a kind soul! How can I ever repay you?"

Her grin spreads wide seeing your ebullience."It's all right, there's no need for repayment. If you're safe, then it's one person less to save during trouble."

Her words bring a smile to your face as you finish the coffee from your cup.

"All right, if you're done having your dessert, shall we get going?" she asks, putting her empty cup on the table.

"Sure, okay," you reply, wiping off the crusts on your mouth with a tissue.

Both of you get up and leave the shop. Trish glances at you as she says, "It's not too far from here. Just follow me."

You do as instructed. Following behind her, you can't help admiring her sexy figure. With half of her back exposed, her smooth curves and bright skin highlight the alluring charm of her body.

Damn! With a killer body like that, I don't get how she manages to stay single.

"We're here," she turns around abruptly, startling you. "Huh! What? Already?"

"Yes, this is the place," she states, pointing a finger at a familiar sign over a double-door entrance. As soon as you set your eyes on the sign, your mouth hangs agape.

"What? Don't like what you see? This place is actually big on the inside," says Trish.

"No, it's not that... This is-" "Well, look who's back!"

Without warning, a voice startles you from behind, interrupting your sentence. You turn around, only to find the person whom you least wanted to see at the moment, especially after everything that's happened in the morning.

"It seems the princess decided to come back after all," he smirks, getting closer."So, how did the journey go? Found any lost treasure?"

You scowl seeing the smug grin on his face crashing down at you.

"Dante, you know her?" asks Trish.

"Yeah. We met yesterday, right here," he replies.

"Trish, listen," you mumble, bringing your face close to her ear."I know you're trying to help me out, but I can't stay here."

"Why? What's the problem?" she inquires.

"I just can't," you mutter, striking a sharp glare at Dante."Not with this guy."

"But why?" Trish asks, confused at your statement.

"Because he's a jerk!"

"Whoa whoa whoa, Hold on a minute! Who're you calling a jerk?" Dante scoffs, hearing your insult.

"Who else do you think? It's you of course! " You declare, folding your arms over your chest.

"No no no, you seem to have made a mistake," he proclaims."The roles would suit better if reversed."

"Don't you say another word!" you hiss."I wasn't the one who called me a clown!"

"Oh wait, you're still hung up on that?"

"Ugh, Just shut up!"

"Hey, will you two stop and explain what's going on?" asks Trish, butting into the fight.

"Ask her about it, "Dante shrugs, pointing a thumb at you as you roll your eyes.

You coherently explain everything to Trish, from start to finish, including the events when you were at the sisters' place. Although your explanation was almost candid, you leave out the fact that the world you are currently in is a game. Standing beside you, Dante also listens to your story without interrupting your flow.

"You know, I was wrong. Maybe being a writer would suit you better than a clown." Dante comments after you're done with the explanation.

"Excuse me, who's talking to you? I explained all that to Trish, not you," you retort, glancing at him from the corner of your eye.

"You two stop arguing. Y/n, if what you said is true, then there's a possibility that you came here through a portal," states Trish.

"A portal?"

"Yeah. Although we don't know who could've opened the portal, it may be connected to the demon outbreak in Red Grave."

You lower your gaze in thought, dubious about the authenticity of Trish's logic. You've played the game so many times before, but something like this has occurred for the first time. A portal that connects a game world to the real world? Is that even possible?

"By the way," Trish catches your attention as she speaks, "How are you so certain about Dante losing to another demon?"

"Oh, that's..." You try searching for a convincing explanation to avoid being labelled a clown once again. As you're about to speak, Dante interferes,"I'm pretty sure she's read this kinda story in some comic before. Kids these days idolize anything they see."

You ignore Dante's taunts and sarcasm, turning your attention towards Trish."Yeah, about that... I'll tell you when the time is right. I'd like you to see first if what I said actually comes true or-"

"Um, excuse me."

A sudden voice interrupts you from behind. Turning around, you see a guy in white, standing behind you, holding two boxes of pizza.

"Oh, you're here. Man, I was getting hungry..." Dante smiles brightly at the sight of pizza. He walks up to the guy before resting his hand on his shoulder. "Just put these on the desk inside." The guy nods, following his instructions before leaving.

"Alright, that's my cue. Catch ya later." With a two-finger salute, Dante strides off into the shop, leaving you and Trish alone outside.

"I'll be off then," states Trish as she turns around.

"Wait, where are you going?" you query from behind.

"I have some things to take care of. See you," She utters, waving her hand before vanishing from sight.

You sigh as you're now left alone in the empty alleyway. Turning your head, your eyes set themselves on the wooden frames below the 'Devil May Cry' sign.

Shrugging your shoulders, you defeatedly enter the shop, mumbling to yourself, "Life sure has a knack for giving out lemons in the most creative ways..."

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