Chapter 4

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Irritated at the continuous pounding, Dante opens the door only slightly. "Did you just slam the door in my face?" you shout angrily.

"Should do it again?" he retorts.

"Don't you dare!"

"Too late."

Right as he almost shut the door, you manage to slip your hand through the gap, stopping him midway. "Whoa- wait, wait, wait! I have something to say! Open the door!"

"Not interested."

"I- I need your help, please!"

Hearing your pleas, he decides to keep the door half-opened as he states, "You have five seconds. One, two..."

"Wait! Umm..." You purse your lips, hastily brainstorming a plausible excuse."A- a demon... A demon is chasing me."

"A demon?"

"Y- yeah... I'm running away from it. Can you let me in? The demon might find me if I just stand out here," you innocently ask him, flashing your adorable puppy eyes.

He squints, casting a careful gaze over you, scrutinizing you from top to bottom before saying, "Alright."

Yes, thank God! -you celebrate and exhale a sigh of relief in your mind. You quickly get inside, stepping into his messy office. Everything looks identical to how it was in the game, even the pieces of paper lying on the floor seem to be in the same positions.

Dante closes the door behind you and walks up to his desk before taking a seat in his chair. "What's your name?" he asks as he leans back.

"Oh, I'm y/n."

"Y/n... How'd you get caught up with a demon?"

"Oh, actually, I uhh..." You ponder for a moment before speaking, "I was in my friend's car. She had something important to do so she dropped me off on the road and... I was walking, when I saw some weird-looking creature from a distance, slowly getting closer. When I realized what it was, I just ran as fast as I could."

"When you realized what it was? You knew it was a demon?" he inquires, raising a brow.

"Uhh- Yeah, it looked like one," you reply, feeling your nerves kick in a little bit.

He leans forward, placing his hands on the desk. "Yeah? And how does one look like?"

For a moment, that question throws you into a bit of a predicament. You try to picture a demon from the game as you explain, "Well, uh... I- it had wings and scary teeth, and also its head was... giant, with spikes as hair. Its eyes were glowing and it had two arms and legs. Oh and also, it had like... three faces. Two fleshy, and the one in the middle looked like a skull."

Dante smirks as he points a finger at you."You know, that explanation sounds too detailed for someone who just saw a demon and ran off right after." He gets up from his chair and walks towards you."How 'bout ya start being honest? What's the real reason for you to come here?"

Shit! How did I get caught? Should I tell the truth?

You hesitate for a brief moment, trying to decide whether to be truthful or not. But in the end, you choose not to. Not because you want to be stubborn, but because you doubt anyone would believe you woke up in a different universe after drowsing off to sleep in your bedroom.

You strive to concoct a believable pretext, but your brain freezes just when you need it to work the most.

He stops in front of you, looking down at your fidgeting form. Your eyes fall upon his sculpted biceps as he folds his arms over his chest.


"What's wrong?"

"Huh!? N- nothing!" You give out an awkward smile, hiding your embarrassment. Changing the subject, you ask, "Umm... Can I ask you a question?"

He raises his brows, "What?"

"I don't mean to be rude but, why are you wearing that?"


"Wearing what you're wearing."

He takes a look at himself. "Why? Is there a problem?"

"No, but isn't it kinda... not normal?"

"Oh yeah? Are you judging me based on my appearance? That's not so nice," he remarks, placing his hands on his hips.

"No, that's not what I meant!" you cry.

"Listen, lemme offer you some advice," he says, leaning closer to your face."Don't pass judgements on someone you're asking for help."

"No, you've got it all wrong! I wasn't passing any judgement, I just..." Suddenly, a glint of light from behind him catches your eye."What's that?"

The object looked familiar. Upon closer inspection, you gasp, "Wait a minute! Is that my laptop?" You hurriedly run over to the couch, picking up your laptop from there and pulling up the screen after sitting down.

"No way! What's this doing here?" You look up at him."How'd you get this?"

Dante walks up to you while he answers, "That thing randomly popped up on my desk yesterday."

"Randomly popped up?"

"That's the best way to describe it," he responds, standing next to you.

You shift your gaze over to your laptop. As you press the power button, a loading screen pops up following the appearance of the desktop, all within a minute.

"Well that didn't happen when I pressed it," he states, sitting down on the couch beside you.

Your eyes are fixated on the screen. Everything in it is just as it was before, except for one unknown application.

"What's this? ...'CM100'?" you mutter as you click on the app.

The app initiates, generating a blank screen with a blinking cursor positioned in the upper-left corner. As you move your pointer to the left, a toolbar appears. You click on a triangle-shaped button on top, opening a menu. At the top of it, you notice an option called 'character appearance' before selecting it, which transitions you to another page.

"Whoa, what's this?" being intrigued, Dante asks as he keeps his eyes fixed on the screen.

On the new page, a bold text appears."'Select your character'... What does it mean?" you ask yourself, perplexed. Dante watches you as you sink deep in thought.

You press a few buttons on your keyboard. Following that, a small window pops up, another text in bold written inside. Reading the text, you glance at Dante.

"What?" he asks.

Instead of answering, you scoot over, narrowing the gap between you two and settling right beside him. He raises a brow at you, wondering what you were thinking.

You hold your left hand up and point a finger at him before poking in his arm.

He stares at you, questioningly. "What the hell are you doing?"

You ignore him and look at the screen instead. "It worked!" You tap a few keys on the keyboard. Just as you hit 'enter', Dante's attire transforms, his usual costume materializing on his body.

"Whoa! What did ya just do!?" he exclaims with astonishment. With a smug grin, you respond, "Fixed your clothes."

He gazes at you with a puzzled look."... Huh?"

"Wanna know how?" you smirk.

He narrows his eyes before replying,"Hit me with it."

"All right then. I'll tell you, but first..." You put the laptop beside you and cross your arms."I have a condition."

Raising an eyebrow, he asks, "What?"

You take a deep breath before you respond, "I wanna stay here, at 'Devil May Cry'."

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