Chapter 2

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After a short walk through the wilderness, you suddenly find yourself being bathed by your rescuers in a tub filled with lukewarm water.

Within half an hour, your body shines like sparkling glitter. It's been long since you felt so refreshed as you're feeling today.

Currently, you are standing alone in the dressing room, facing a full-length mirror. You remove the towel that is covering your body.

Much to your surprise, you notice that your body looks somewhat different, as though you've physically become more fit. You can't help but admire the curves around your waist and the shape of your butt. Your skin also seems a lot softer and nicer.

Seeing your refined features, you get reminded of the sexy game characters whom you've always wished to look like.

"Damn... Is this really me?"

*Knock* *knock*

Your thoughts get interrupted by the sudden knock on the door. A voice comes from the other side. "I'm leaving these clothes here for you, okay?"

With that, the person disappears, along with the sounds of footsteps that gradually fade away into the distance.

You slightly tilt open the door and take the clothes in your hands— a (your favourite colour) bardot top and a pair of (your favourite colour) shorts.

After putting them on, you follow through the broad hallway right outside and open the door at the end, which leads you to a small vintage bar.

There are no customers at this time. Standing beside the bar counter, you move your eyes all over the room, inspecting everything around you, right before you hear someone's footsteps.

"Oh, there you are! Come on, lunch is ready!"

Turning to the source of that voice, you recognize the familiar face. The short girl in jeans is standing at the door, from where you just arrived to this bar, smiling at you.

She leads you to the dining room before gesturing you to sit down at the table. She sits beside you. The other girl brings and sets a pot on the table before removing the lid.

"Yeah! Today's pasta day! You're gonna love it 'cause sis makes the best pasta in the world!"

The young girl excitedly serves the food on two plates, one for you and the other for herself.

She takes a bite first."Mmm... This is so goood! Come on, try some!"

Taking her encouragement to heart, you take a bite as well.

"So? What do you think?" The young girl asks eagerly.

"... It's really good!"

"I told you so, didn't I? Sis is the best at making pasta."

"All right, no more talking while eating. Finish your food before it gets cold, Jenny," advises the older sister.

"... Aren't you going to eat?" you ask the tall girl as she stands next to the kitchen counter, her body gently leaning against it.

"Nope, currently on a diet," she answers with a small smile. "Oh, by the way, I'm Carla. And she's Jenny. We're siblings. What's your name?"

"I'm y/n."

"Oh, such a beautiful name! I've never seen you around here. Where do you live?

"I live in (your city)."

"Hmm... Never heard of that place. So, you're a foreigner," she states. "Say, what were you doing back in the bushes?"

Your fork drops at the question. You abruptly remember the situation you were in just a little while ago. What were you doing in a place like that? Why were you naked? Where even is this place? How did you even get here? What happened to the bag of chips and beer bottles you finished last night?

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