Chapter 3

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*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

"Mmhh... Is it morning already?"

You twist and turn in your bed as the alarm goes off. Reluctantly getting up from your sweet slumber, you start your day by letting out a massive yawn.

"Wow, that yawn could rival a lion's roar!"

Startled at the voice, you turn your head towards the source.


With a chuckle, she comes closer and takes a seat on the bed, near your feet.

Yesterday, Carla gave you the freedom to stay in the house for as long as you like. You were very much astounded by the generosity of the individual when you took the offer.

Smiling, she raises her hand and holds a piece of paper in front of you."Here, from Jenny."

You take the piece of paper and unfold it, revealing an address written in neat handwriting. You glance at Carla. Before you could say anything, she starts, "That's the address you requested from Jenny. She told me to give it to you before heading to school. And also, I have some business around that place so you can come with me in my car if you want."

Hearing such a kind-hearted proposal, you inevitably break into a smile.

After having breakfast, you hop into Carla's car. Carla, sitting in the driver's seat, starts the engine.

The streets are busy, with a vibrant hustle and bustle of people and vehicles. Everything looks pretty normal just like any other day. Yeah... This can't be fiction, can it?

However, you still have that little tingle of uncertainty, that 'what if' that's torturing you and your mind.

"Hey, I think we're here," Carla states before pulling over in front of a reddish, two storey building with a double door entrance.

At the sight of those two large doors, your eyes widen as you mutter, "This... is the same!"

You slowly get out of the car, not even slightly moving your eyes from the 'Devil May Cry' sign.

"Hey," Carla calls, looking at you through the car window, "I'm not sure if I can finish up quickly with my business... so I might be a little late."

"It's fine, I'll wait for you," you respond with a smile.

She smiles back."All right, I'll be off then. Good luck!" With that, she takes off, leaving you alone in the alleyway.

"All right, this is it!"

You swallow a lump in your throat, starting to get nervous as you slowly walk up to the door before standing in front of it. You stare at it for some time, contemplating whether to knock or just bust in.

No, storming in without knocking would be rude. Maybe I should avoid that - thinking this, you decide to just knock three times on the door and wait.

Is this really happening? What if this is really a world of fiction and nothing is true? Is that even possible? Or wait... What if I myself am fictitious?!

You start to overthink because of course, torturing yourself with overthinking is clearly the best way to spend your time while waiting.

A minute passes by just like that, but no one answers the door.

Maybe he's outside? Or... maybe this shop belongs to someone who's not really a game character but is simply pretending to be one? ...Yeah, that's got to be it.

You knock again, your anticipation growing with each second.

Finally, with a loud creak, the doors spring open.

"*Gasp* ...No way!"

You are dumbstruck, setting your eyes upon the tall, broad figure standing before you. Silverish white hair, icy blue eyes- his facial features look exactly the same as Dante from the fifth game of DMC.

But as you look down, you notice something really funny. Dante isn't wearing his usual costume. Instead, he's in his underwear, wearing a pink checkered apron on top.

Seeing his unexpectedly hilarious appearance, you immediately burst out laughing.

"Pff.. hahahahaha! What the hell are you wearing? Hahahahaha!"

Seeing you busting a gut with laughter, Dante raises a brow," What?... What's so funny?"

You can't answer his question because of your laugh. It takes five whole minutes for your incessant laugh to finally cease, making your cheeks and stomach hurt.

You wipe your tears from the corners of your eyes before you speak, "Oh, I'm so sorry. This wasn't intentional."

Dante crosses his arms over his chest, standing still without a word. After laughing so much, now his serious face is starting to make you feel awkward.

"Umm... S- so... Are you doing a cosplay?" you stutter as you ask.

Dante gazes at you, his eyes revealing a subtle trace of annoyance. "Is that why you knocked on my door?"

"Uhm... no," you mutter, lowering your head.

Up until your car ride with Carla, you believed that all this 'Devil May Cry being real' was just a bogus story. But now that you're literally facing the main character in the flesh, you don't know what to say.

A minute or two passes as you both stand in silence.

"All right. See ya," with that, Dante suddenly slams the doors shut, right in your face.


Surprised, you stand in silence, trying to comprehend what just happened.

"Did he just... shut the door in my face?"

As realization hits you, your eyes start twitching in anger. You knock again at the door, your knuckles harshly hitting the wooden plane this time. Getting zero response from the other side, you begin banging on it.

How dare he shut me out like this? Ugh! I'll make you regret that!

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