Chapter 19

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With sadness and unease, I tucked my phone back into my jeans pocket, still without a response from Paul to my message. Last night, he had written about how much he missed me, but my usual "good morning" messages went unanswered today. I knew he had the day off, not patrolling the territory, but that didn't explain his strange silence.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice my room door creaking open, and Esme entered the room. Her presence quickly filled the air with the scent of floral perfume, bringing a gentle sense of calm.

"Please come down to the living room, we have an important meeting," she said with a smile, lightly squeezing my shoulders as if soothing my anxious thoughts. With the same smiling expression, she left the room.

In the living room, along with other vampires, Jacob was sitting. His presence immediately caught my attention. He looked uneasy, as if something troubled him more than usual. The usual confidence in his face mixed with a hint of nervousness, reflected in the tense lines of his features.

"What happened, pup?" Sitting next to Carlisle, I glanced at the vampires, who seemed no different from Black's state.

"Sam lost the element of surprise and won't fight you while there are more of you. He won't go for a direct attack, he'll surround you and wait for the right moment," the werewolf explained.

"We won't get through without a fight," Emmett said, smirking, eager for a brawl.

"What fight?" Carlisle looked at his adoptive son. "We won't break the treaty."

"Carlisle, not everything can be resolved through peaceful talks. I agree with Emmett," I supported, looking up at the clan leader and standing up, approaching Rosalie to support her elbow and lean against her.

"She's right. The treaty will be void, at least for Sam," Jacob added.

"Carlisle, we haven't hunted in a long time," Emmett said, approaching the man.

"Maybe I can try to resolve something. I am the imprint – they shouldn't touch me," at least, I hoped so. If the pack knows about our situation, then Paul is aware that I've been deceiving him all this time. "Anyway, thanks for the warning, Jacob."


Standing in the shadow of tall trees by the river, I eagerly and anxiously awaited the appearance of the gray wolf. Paul had finally texted in the evening after Jake left, asking to meet at the treaty line. I had a hunch about the topic of our conversation, and even before it began, I didn't like it. I couldn't allow us to part ways and, worse, become enemies.

Listening to every rustling leaf moved by the gentle breeze, I turned when I heard footsteps. Paul emerged from the bushes, as always in denim shorts and nothing more. His dark eyes, appearing even blacker with anger, met my red ones, and in that moment, tension hung in the air, as if nature itself froze in anticipation of something important.

"Lyma," he growled, and I felt my nerves tense even more.

"Please, let me explain," I pleaded as I slowly approached him, trying not to startle or anger the werewolf. Getting only a nod in response, I stopped a few meters away from him. "I'll start by admitting that I lied about my friends in Mexico. No one invited me anywhere, and I've been here in Forks all along."

"I know," he said, crossing his arms over his chest, approaching. "You're my imprint, and I can feel you on the Cullens' territory. If you were in Mexico, I would sense the pain of your absence."

"Then why did you stay silent, knowing that I lied?" I asked quietly. If my heart were still beating, my cheeks would be red from the embarrassment and shame I felt.

"I thought there was a reason for it. We haven't been dating long enough for you to tell me all your secrets, I understand that. But that doesn't change the fact that you lied to me."

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to," I confessed, slowly approaching him. Stopping just a couple of steps away, I breathed heavily, but determination was slowly building up. "We talked to the Cullens, and we decided that no one should know about Bella's pregnancy."

"She's pregnant with a vampire's child, they must be killed!" sharply rang out in the silence of the forest, and Paul growled, lowering his hands, which I immediately embraced. The warmth from his body in my hands was like a long-awaited antidote to nervous tension.

"We can't do that, Paul. Bella and Rosalie won't allow it, neither will I," seeing his denial and anger in his now-directed black eyes, I continued immediately. "This child is different from what I've seen. It has a heartbeat, quiet and calm, but it's there, I can hear it."

"How do you know it won't come out and pose a danger to everyone around?" Paul asked, maintaining an angry gaze.

"How do you know it will?" I smiled gently at him, holding his hands tighter. "Listen, I understand all the risks, but the Cullens and I will take measures if something goes wrong. Let's not jump to conclusions."

"I can't lose you," he sighed, gripping my shoulders abruptly and pulling me into a strong embrace. Thoughts that after this conversation, we might not see each other for a long time, caused a shiver.

"And you won't," I replied, raising my head and resting it on his chest. Our eyes met in a tender embrace, and I whispered, "I'm not asking you to take my side, and I won't argue with you if you have to fight the Cullens. Just don't leave me."

Surprise flashed on Paul's face, replacing calmness. "I wasn't planning on it, princess. I already lost you once, I won't make that terrible mistake again, I promise," he said, kissing my forehead. But his next question came with a touch of humor, "Why do I feel like I just had a session with a psychologist?"

"It's one of my specialties," I replied with a smile.

"How many do you have?" Paul asked.

"Many, very many. I started getting an education when women only got the right to study in schools and universities," I laughed. Paul still didn't let go of my waist, as if trying to merge with it.

"I forget that I'm dating such an old lady," Paul joked, and I lightly hit his chest, laughing along with him.

However, suddenly, a howl echoed on the Quileute territory, interrupting our moment.

"That's Sam. I have to go," Paul said, releasing me from the embrace. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," I replied, waving to him in farewell. He leaped over the river, transforming into a wolf, and disappeared into the darkness of the forest.

On the way back to the vampires' house, I decided to bring back a few deer and, if possible, even a bear for Emmett and Jasper. My steps returned to reality, but my heart continued to warm from the encounter with Paul.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 24 ⏰

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