Chapter 11 (18+)

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The evening was beginning to darken, and delicate shades of pink-purple and orange hues appeared in the sky, coloring the March sunset. The cool breeze caressed my cheeks, reminding me that spring was still at the doorstep, yet already awakening hope for warmer days.

Seconds stretched slowly as suddenly a familiar sound of an engine could be heard from a distance. My impatience only grew, and I strained my gaze in the direction from which he was supposed to arrive. Paul's car was approaching slowly, and I noticed his smile gleaming through the glass.

As soon as the car stopped in front of me, the driver's side door opened, and Paul emerged. He stepped out in his usual comfortable denim jacket, which always seemed a little oversized for him. Paul smiled, and his warm eyes looked at me with tenderness and excitement.

"Hey, beautiful," he said, approaching me. His words were accompanied by a gentle kiss on my cheek.

He opened the passenger side door for me, and I got into the car. It was cozy and warm inside, and I knew our date was promising to be something special. Paul closed the door and returned to his seat behind the wheel. Looking at me, he smiled, and his eyes sparkled with inner delight. He started the engine, and the car smoothly pulled away.

We drove along a narrow path that led through a dense forest. Tree shadows stretched around us, creating a gloomy yet enchantingly atmospheric setting. The car's headlights cast uneven flashes on the tree trunks, and their branches seemed like hands reaching toward our car.

I glanced at Paul, and he smiled at me, as if reading my thoughts.

"Where are we going?" I couldn't help but ask, feeling a slight tremor of anticipation.

"A surprise," he mysteriously smiled, placing his hand on my knee and gently caressing it. "You'll find out when we get there."

"How was the patrol?"

"Quiet, if you don't count Seth's incessant stream of thoughts about Bree."

"I bet Leah gave him a piece of her mind," I chuckled.

"She did, and he was outraged. He spent the entire ride home with Emily, talking about how lovely and cute Bree is, like a smitten puppy."

"But aren't you smitten?" I gave him a sly look.

"I'm a grumpy gray wolf, definitely not a puppy."

Calmness filled the car. We weren't in a hurry, savoring the simple moment of journeying through this mysterious and inviting forest together. Our gazes occasionally met, and in those moments, no words seemed necessary – the understanding was so deep that we shared not only the moment but also all the emotions it held. We continued to carve a path through the dense forest, enjoying the ride and each other's company. Tree branches created a soft green glow above us as the last rays of the day filtered through the foliage. The scent of woody earth and the freshness of nature filled the car, adding a special charm to this moment.

Finally, as the sun was preparing to dip below the horizon, the car came to a halt, and before us opened a beach, with a blanket already spread out. The sandy shore, caressed by gentle waves, appeared before us like a place from a fairy tale.

Paul opened the door, and we stepped out of the car. The sea was nearby, bringing with it a gentle breeze and the sounds of the waves. The sand was lightly dusted with the rosy light of the sunset, and the sea's water seemed like a magical surface reflecting the shades of the sky. Paul took my hand, and we headed towards the blanket, adorned with candles, soft cushions, and a small basket of treats. The air was filled with the scent of the salty sea, and the sounds of the waves added a musical quality to the moment. The rustling of sand beneath our feet created a rhythm to our movement, and a tender joy awakened in my chest.

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