Chapter 16 (18+)

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The atmosphere in the house was tense and filled with mixed emotions. I could hear Carlisle talking to Bella, but I couldn't focus on it because my thoughts were completely consumed by the news Bella had just delivered. I slowly twirled a glass filled with blood in my hands, trying to find a way out of the complex situation we were all entangled in.

In the living room, where clan members and I had gathered, the tension was palpable. The looks were tense, and the faces of those present reflected mixed feelings—worry, surprise, and perhaps even alarm. Bella and Edward's unexpected news added an extra layer of uncertainty and complexity to the already strained atmosphere.

I was especially concerned about Emily, Kim, and Claire. I knew that the Volturi would not be merciful if they found out about this. In the vampire world, such events could have serious consequences, not only for the Cullens but also for my extended "family" in the Uley pack.

Paul, in particular, remained my special concern. We had found each other in this complicated world, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing him. My long-awaited mate, my love—he meant everything to me.

When Carlisle finished his conversation with Bella, a tense silence fell over the room. Everyone present, including me, thirsted for answers and explanations. Carlisle's eyes, as if searching for answers to his own questions, turned in my direction.

"Apollyma," he spoke in a gentle tone that always calmed things down in difficult situations, which was irritating me now, "what do you think about all of this?"

"Carlisle," I replied, maintaining a cold tone that reflected my annoyance, "in all my long life, I've never encountered anything like this. But unfortunately, I'm not sure I can offer any solutions or help here."

At the moment of my response, Rosalie showed determination and said, similar."

Her words emphasized the urgency of the situation and led to a discussion about the possibility of finding information that could help us. Everyone in the room looked at Carlisle, expecting him to suggest the next steps.

Carlisle looked at us with concentration, carefully weighing our words. "Rosalie, you're right," he said, agreeing with her initiative. "We must search for any information that can help us understand what's happening. I'll check my office; maybe we have books that contain some hints about such cases. Also, you can ask acquaintances; perhaps they have encountered something similar."

After concluding the conversation with Carlisle, I drank the last drops of blood from the glass and felt the warm liquid sliding down my throat. Then, I turned decisively to him. "Can I speak with you alone in your office? I have an important matter that we need to discuss."

Carlisle smiled and nodded. "Of course, Apollyma," he replied. "Let's go to my office. We'll discuss everything that's troubling you."

We headed upstairs to the third floor, and as the door to Carlisle's office closed behind us, the atmosphere in the room became charged with tension. My dark red eyes sparkled with seriousness and a hint of anger. I was deadly serious and a bit furious. As the elder and experienced vampire, I expected more careful control over our clan from Carlisle, and this unexpected problem cast a shadow over his leadership abilities.

"Carlisle," I began, my voice filled with seriousness and determination, "you're the leader of this family, so how did it happen that you failed to oversee Edward?"

Carlisle nervously surveyed his office, realizing the gravity of the situation, but his response was hesitant. "Apollyma, I... I don't know how this could have happened. We didn't even know it was possible."

My reaction to his words was hot and impulsive. "Are you going to keep silent in front of the Volturi? Don't you see that it will put your entire family at risk? If THEY find out about Bella's pregnancy and you don't tell them, it could be seen as betrayal. Are you willing to expose your family to such a risk?"

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