Chapter 10

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Outside the window, a new day was beginning, and the sunrise was simply magical. Gradually, the nighttime darkness gave way to the first rays of light that slowly pierced through the clouds. The sky smoothly transitioned from dark blue to a soft shade of rosy-purple pastel.

I sat at the easel, drawing the landscape that unfolded outside my bedroom window. The room played Vivaldi's composition from the gramophone I borrowed from Edward, soothing my nerves. Today was another date with Paul, but my intuition told me that something bad would happen. Goosebumps ran down my spine at these thoughts, and my eyes were unpleasantly dazzled by the sunbeam.

Pushing away the troubling thoughts, I focused on my art. I took the brush and began to apply the first tiny strokes on the canvas, laying the foundation for my landscape. With attention and love, I created the world I saw outside the window. Transitioning from one shade to another, I conveyed on the canvas the beauty of the sunrise unfolding outside. The pink and purple hues of the sky merged on my canvas like gentle waves, creating an atmosphere of a world between dream and reality.

With each detail of the landscape I drew, I felt a sense of tranquility and inner peace awakening within me. I found joy in my creativity, which helped me distract myself from anxieties and uncertainties. The canvas became my sanctuary, where I could reside in my own world and savor the moment.

When I finished drawing, before me was a complete landscape that deservedly captured the beauty of the sunrise. In the bottom left corner of the painted trees, I left my signature in white paint - Anna-Maria Bozhena - my pseudonym, which I used back in the 18th century.

"Lyma!" Alice. Over the past two weeks since Edward proposed to Bella, she had been quite annoying to me.

I put the brushes on the nearby stool, serving as a paint holder, adjusted the ends of my hair, which were now smudged with purple, and walked out of my room.

In the living room, Rosalie and Alice were sitting, and as soon as Alice noticed me, she rushed towards me, grabbed my hand, and dragged me to the couch.

"We're choosing the wedding dress for the bride."

"What do you want from me?"

"To help us. Rose and I can't agree on it. I say she needs a floor-length dress, and she insists on a short one." Alice showed me pages of a magazine featuring wedding dresses.

"Why can't you choose a long one for the ceremony and a short one for the dancing?"

Such conversations annoyed me; I had already said that I wasn't interested in helping with the wedding. What's the point if I won't be there?

"You're a genius!" Alice pulled me into a hug, but I quickly pulled away and warned her not to touch me.

"I suggested the same thing, so why did you listen to her?" Rosalie raised a skeptical eyebrow and folded her arms across her chest. Alice ignored her.

"Now we're going hunting with Bree. The girl complained to Jasper that he was training her too harshly, so I promised to take care of her. And tonight, I have a date with Paul. I don't know when I'll be back."

From the first floor came a faint "I'm ready." The newborn was a little wary of me; I wasn't as severe as Major, but I didn't tolerate disobedience either, so she kept her distance.

The newly created Cullen was waiting for me by the door. I gestured in the direction of the door, and she darted off into the woods. Catching up with her was not a problem for me.

We ran to the east, passing through all the bushes and trees, and jumping over small streams. The wind pleasantly brushed my face, and the adrenaline rush and sense of freedom flowed through my chest - a feeling so familiar to me. Sniffing the scent of deer blood, I saw a small group of deer grazing nearby. Taking the newborn's hand, I pulled her into the bushes, hiding us from the animals' view.

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