Chapter 13

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We could have stayed in Athens, but it seems fate had other plans for us. Emily urgently asked us to come back. So, despite our plans for a long time alone together in this beautiful Greek city, we had to get return tickets and leave Athens behind.

The beginning of our arrival in La Push was accompanied by the quiet and peaceful atmosphere of this coastal town. Athens left us with a sense of tranquility, and Paul and I dreamt of spending more time together, far away from the troublesome Isabella Swan and the group of vegetarian vampires who always brought trouble with them.

Without unpacking, Paul and I headed straight to Emily's house. The winds of the Pacific Ocean carried the scent of salt, and the gentle sound of the waves created a pleasant background melody. The sky was clear, and the sun sparkled brilliantly on the ocean's surface. Its golden rays penetrated my skin as if it were made of the most precious gems. My skin gleamed under the sunlight like diamonds, emitting an indescribable radiance. This moment accentuated my vampire nature, making it exceptionally beautiful and unique.

Paul, holding my hand, couldn't hide his admiration. His eyes were fixed on my sparkling skin, and his face expressed incredible amazement. "You are so beautiful, it's breathtaking," he whispered, smiling, his voice filled with admiration and love. "You're a true gem shining among all the others."

My eyes sparkled with reciprocated tenderness, and we continued to walk hand in hand, savoring this moment together.


We entered Emily's house and were warmly greeted by Sam, Kim, and Bree, who were already there. Emily smiled and hugged me. "Good to see you, dear," she said. "And you, Paul. You've come just in time."

"How can we help?" Paul asked, nodding toward Kim and Bree.

Emily invited us into the living room, where we settled on comfortable sofas. She began to tell us about the wedding they were planning.

"Since Bella and Edward are enjoying their honeymoon," Emily began, "Sam and I thought this would be a perfect time for our wedding. Bella seems to attract trouble, and right now, while she's somewhere relaxing, Forks and La Push should be relatively calm. So, Sam and I decided to have a quick wedding because nobody knows what might happen next."

"The wedding will be done in the traditional Indian style," she added, "to emphasize our connection to nature and our respect for our roots, which means a lot to us."

"That sounds amazing," I said, inspired by the idea. "How can we help?"

Bree raised her hand. "We've already started preparing the ceremony location on the ocean's shore, but we need help with decorations and organization. And of course, we need your advice on how to make it as authentic as possible."

We began discussing the details and planning. Paul and Sam discussed how to decorate the ceremony location using natural materials, and Kim suggested ideas for Indian decorations and accessories.

Emily was very grateful for our help and said, "Thank you for coming. This wedding means a lot to us, and we want it to be memorable."

We continued discussing the wedding, exchanging ideas, and making plans. At that moment, Bella and Edward's honeymoon seemed distant and unimportant because we were here to support our friends and help them create an unforgettable moment in their lives.

"I'm sure the wedding will be amazing," Paul said, extending his hand to Emily. "We'll do everything we can to assist you with it."

"Thank you, Paul," Emily replied, hugging him tightly. "We really appreciate your help and support."

After warm goodbyes, we headed towards the forest path that led to Paul's house. We continued our journey through the woods, savoring the moment of togetherness. The leaves rustled under our feet, creating a pleasant background for our whispered conversations.

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