Chapter 6: Ajna

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Peter sighed to himself as he and his elderly companion took a break from their endless march. They both floated in the river like pool that cut through the center of each room and hallway like a liquid carpet. Both of them floated on their back, staring up at the white pool tiles that crawled their way across every surface, including the ceiling. As they calmly floated along, trusting the pool to carry them, occasionally, they would float underneath one of the skylights. Allowing some of the golden sunlight to shine on them, as the convincing simulation of the sky quickly slipped in and out of their view.

Though, in a place of such monotonous repetition, it was difficult for Peter to follow Percivalle's advice and be present in the moment. He knew it would've been much harder if his surroundings weren't quite so pretty to look at. He knew such a thing would take some practice, but it was something he didn't want to give up on. The weight off his shoulders in these brief moments, was too much to pass up.

No future to intimidate, and no past to weigh him down.

Only weightless present.

Learning this in particular, helped him to understand the doctor a bit more. Perhaps it wasn't that he couldn't feel these negative feelings, but rather, he had a perspective that made these things seem infinitely smaller.

Thats how Peter felt, when he took the time to meditate on the advice that had been given to him so far.

However, the two of them were suddenly stopped in their tracks as the tops of their head hit a wall. Confused, they both stood up from where they were floating and looked to discover that they had reached the end of the pool. This came as a surprise to Peter, considering the seemingly endless nature of each space.

However, when he looked up from the water, he got the confirmation that he needed.

A white wooden door that almost blended into the wall before them.

An exit.

"Sweet!" Peter pumped his fists into the air and leaped out of the waist high water in a single hop.

"Showoff." Percivalle snickered as Peter grabbed him by the hand and helped him out of the pool.

"Envy isn't a good look for you, doc." Peter jokes as he approached the door.

"After all you've told me?" Percivalle snickered and shook his head. "I think I'm fine with my humble life."

Peter chuckled at that, as he spotted a window a few feet from the door, and started backing towards it. "I think, I might agree with you on that." He joked, as he peeked out the window.

After looking, all he was met with was confusion from what he saw.

No water, no sky, no walls.

Just an endless blue void. As he looked down, he could see it fade into a slightly darker blue, but there didn't seem to be any other features. No ground and no sky.

"Looks like another false window." Peter shrugs as he walks back to the door.

"Right on." Percivalle nodded, grabbing the door handle. "And llllllets see what's whats behind door number one!" He said while doing a game show host impression.

After that, the doctor threw the door open, flamboyantly. However, when he did, they were met with more of that strange blue void.

"Oh, thats a dirty dirty trick." Peter shook his head with a slight chuckle.

"You're telling me?" Percivalle laughed. "Now its just somebody that I used to know!" he sang, before turning to start in the other direction.

However, as soon as he started walking, his feet began to lift from the ground, being gently pulled through the door.

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