Chapter 4: Anahata

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It had been days since Peter and the doctor had entered the hotel.

Or perhaps only hours.

Or even weeks...

It mattered very little to them anymore. As their time within the Backrooms increased, their instinct to keep track of time slowly began to fade away.

The longer they walked its halls, the more they seemed to close in on him. With the somber brass tones echoing through the hall, complimenting the grand architecture from a bygone era. Now, frozen in time, desperately refusing to let go of the beauty it knew.

Peter had begun to feel that way a lot lately.

With his hours turning into days, his days into weeks, and his weeks into unfathomable lengths of time, there was often that question in his head of why.

Why keep walking?


But by now, such question had an undoubtedle answer.

And even a name...


When he first spoke to her in the hallway of Titans Tower, he never knew he would never be the same again. That this mysterious girl, who cut herself off from the world, did more than just understand him.

More than just love him.

She brought to him something he never knew he needed and something he would never be the same again without. Something that, like this place, could never be described in words. He could learn every language in every universe, but it would never do it justice.

This was what kept him going, but this was also what hurt the most.

The electric sting in his chest, knowing that out there was what felt like another part of him. Followed by the bittersweet reality that their paths may never cross again.

So by the time they actually found a way out of this grand time capsule, Peter couldn't help but feel relieved.

As they came to a two way intersection, they looked to their left and saw more hallway stretching on into the distance. Then they looked to their right and saw a short hall with a shiny silver elevator sitting right at the end.

Though he knew that anything could've lied on the other side of it, there was a comfort knowing that even for a moment he would be allowed a distraction from his reminiscing.

"Ooh. Very sleek." Percivalle nodded. "I love the interior decorator for this place."

Peter raised a brow and looked over at the doctor with an amused grin. "Pretty eclectic tastes you got there, eh?"

Percivalle waved it off. "Its just because it's been copy and pastes a million times. If it were just a small, two story hotel, different story, right?"

Peter looked around at the decorative wallpaper and carpets, the the intricately carved wooden furniture that littered the halls, to the old style oil lamps that always burned without ever seeming to be changed.

Peter then shrugged in response. "I guess you have a point."

"Yeah, see?" He replied, leading Peter towards the elevator. "Entropy leads to decay." He chuckled, patting the young hero on the back, before continuing ahead. "Come on, kid, let's break a leg."

Peter gave an amused grin as they boared the elevator. "You mean shake a leg?"

"Yeah, that." He waved it off, pressing one of the buttons. "Whatever."

"You were close, though." Peter admitted.

"Close but no cigarette." Percivalle nodded.

"Again... that's close, but..." Peter began, then shook his head. "You know what? Nevermind. It's not important." He shrugged.

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