Chapter 5: Vishuddha

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"Well? What do you think?" Peter asked his companion as they hiked across the never ending misty plan.

"Hmm." Percivalle hummed to himself as he and Peter peered into the distance, spotting, once again a dark silhouette of a house clashing with the bright grey of the foggy sky. "Could be something useful." He nodded.

"More useful than the last fifty houses we checked?" Peter joked with a dry grin.

"Ninety-eight." The doctor corrected with an amused chuckle.

"Right, ninety-eight. My mistake." The young hero replied with a sarcastic chuckle as they both corrected their path directly towards the structure.

"Running water would be nice." Percivalle joked. "Any water I've found down here would likely give you cancer."

"Or rabies." Peter joked as the structure drew closer and closer.

"Or both." The doctor nodded. "Yeah. Both is good." He chuckled.

They continued walking into the distance, drawing closer and closer to the structure as it got larger and larger. After a while, hencould even begin to hear something as they drew nearer.

"Uh... doc?" Peter spoke up with an uneasy gulp. "Tell me I'm not the only one who hears cows."

"Oh no, I hear them too." He nodded, hobbling a little faster towards the structure. "Poor creatures. They don't deserve to be down here."

Once they were a few yards away, the structure was finally clear. A red two-story barn, sticking out of the flat field. Now the calling of the cows was clear as day, sounding as if the building was full of these farm animals. As the doctor reached the building, he immediately started pulling at the lock.

"What are you doing?" Peter sighed, with an amused grin.

"They at least deserve an open field." Percivalle insisted, tugging again at the lock in vain.

The young hero rolled his eyes with an amused grin, then took a step towards the door. He reqched out for the doctors shoulder, then motioned for him to step aside, so he did as Peter said. Then, Peter casually grabbed the lock and broke it off in one motion.

Percivalle nodded, then looked at Peter with an amused grin. "I loosened it for you."

"Right." Peter nodded, sarcastically. "I appreciate that."

Percivalle laughed at that and shook his head, before grabbing both door handles. "Now, be free!-" The doctor immediately went silent as he threw the doors open, only to be met with an empty barn, with no cows in sight.

"Wow, this place really had me going." Peter replied.

"I know, right? Me too." Percivalle shook his head, then looked upwards towards the simulated sky. "Good one."

The doctor chuckled and shook his head as he took a few steps inside and looked around.

"See anything useful?" Peter asked as he stayed outside, scanning the horizon.

"No, just hay and some rope." The doctor shrugged. "Definitely no cattle."

"I think the cows are okay." Peter joked as the doctor walked out of the barn.

"Yeah, well." Percivalle shrugged. "Worth a shot."

The two of them started back towards the pathway the came from. However, as they passed by the barn, they spotted something that they didn't notice before. Three identical houses, all lined up perfectly behind one another, all hidden behind the barn.

"Woah." Peter breathed out, taking in the sight before him. "That's eerie."

"THAT'S a relief, is what it is." Percivalle chuckled as he hobbled on ahead of him towards the first house.

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