Time for the Brooklet Hill Trial!

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Sapphire would be the first one awake the next morning as she prepared a few strategies for the upcoming trial. The most she currently knew is that it was a Water Type trial, she wasn't sure what Pokémon she would see there, so she wanted to get to planning. However that planning session was interrupted the moment her journal was ripped from her hands by a half awake Guzma.
"Plannin Again Sapphire? Ya know I bet ya could beat this trial without even tryin." He says as he sits up, keeping the journal out of Sappire's reach.

"Maybe I could G, but I still like to plan ahead so give me back my journal!" Sapphire says with a pout, finally managing to grab her journal since Guzma let his guard down at his new nickname. Sure, it was a simple nickname, it was just the first letter of his name after all, but it's the person who gave him that nickname that matters to him.

Guzma would quickly shake off the shock and stood up, stretching his arms above his head to loosen the tight muscles he had from sleeping on the ground.
"Well ya can't battle on an empty stomach anyways, so why don't we go get breakfast somewhere?" Guzma asks as he helps Sapphire up off the ground, who agrees with a smile. The two would quickly roll up their sleeping bags and placed them in their bags before heading back to town to go eat.


After Breakfast..


Sapphire would be on her way back to Brooklet Hill to begin her trial. This was her moment to get ahead of both of her friends, and she enjoyed the thought of that. Guzma had of course went off on his own after breakfast but he did give Sapphire some encouraging words before doing so. As Sapphire entered Brooklet Hill she was met with a sign, it explained that the trial captain was away due to medical reasons but that the trial was still being held.

As soon as Sapphire read over the rules she headed into the trial, taking on Pokémon after Pokémon with Morelull. Part of it was his training, the other half of it was to push the Pokémon down stream like she was meant to. Once she reached the bottom of Brooklet Hill she took a moment to heal Morelull before proceeding into the Totem's Den.

No sooner had Sapphire entered, had the Totem Pokémon of the Water Trail appeared. She found herself staring at a giant Araquanid in awe, wishing Guzma was here to see it. She quickly got an idea before snapping a picture of it with her Pokédex. Though this only made Araquanid angry, aiming a Bubble Beam right at Sapphire.

Sapphire of course let out a small scream just managing to roll out of the way of the attack. Quickly she threw out Mawile, knowing that Morelull wouldn't do well again a bug type. Mawile's Intimidate ability kicked in lowering the Totem Araquanid's Attack. Sapphire quickly called for Mawile to use Swords Dance, followed by a Play Rough. This combo had ended up dealing a lot of damage, but not enough to take the totem out yet.

After a few more minutes of dodging and calling attacks Araquanid went down. Sapphire let out a sigh of relief and picked up the Waterium-Z crystal it had left behind.
"I'm glad I was able to win but an Araquanid is NOT what I expected at all." Sapphire says with a small laugh as she looks down at Mawile, who looked exhausted. She gave Mawile a few gentle pats on the head before returning her to her Dusk Ball for a good rest.

Slowly, Sapphire made her way out of Brooklet Hill, taking note of all the Pokémon that lived there now that the totem was defeated. Once free of the area she would head to the Pokémon Center and have her team all healed up. After Nurse Joy returned her Pokémon to her she headed outside and sat in the grass. Sapphire called out everyone on her team and gave them some Pokébeans to reward them for all their hard work.

She would end off her day by returning to the Tide Song Hotel and meeting up with Kukui, telling him of her recent victory and newest member. Eventually Guzma would join the two, informing them of his recently caught Surskit. The two congratulated him before Sapphire recalled the picture she took, quickly taking out her Pokédex and showing the two.

"Oh of course, the minute I leave ya a giant bug type comes out to play!" Guzma complains, crossing his arms with a huff, making Sapphire and Kukui laugh. Around an hour later the three of them would retire to their rooms for the night. Sapphire of course, was excited for what tomorrow might bring for her and her friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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