Arriving In Alola!

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After the long plane ride Sapphire and her mother would finally arrive in Alola. The two of them would grab their luggage before heading outside, greeted by the sun and the sights of Hau'oli City.

"Whoa! This place is so huge, and is that a beach over there?" Sapphire questioned as she observed the surrounding area. "Indeed it is sweetheart. Alola is made up of four different islands so there are beaches everywhere." Her mother explains as they begin walking to their home.

During the whole walk Sapphire would be taking note of all shops that the town had, even marking down a few she would want to visit later on. They would then pass by the trainer school where they saw a few children having a class outside.

Finally they would arrive at their home, which sat just outside the outskirts of Hau'oli City and near Route 1. Sapphire would head inside and looked around the new house.

The house was small but had 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, a small kitchen and a nice patio area where they can make a small garden. Sapphire would quickly pick one of the bedrooms to be hers and started unpacking her things.

After a good few hours of unpacking Sapphire's room would be completely done, though now it was after dark. Her mother soon came in to check on her and to say goodnight before the two of them headed off to bed, Sapphire falling asleep excited to see what tomorrow holds.

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