Sapphire's Ghostly Encounter!

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Sapphire would be enjoying a walk with her friends Kukui and Guzma. The three of them wanting to hang out together before taking on the Kahuna. Kukui seemed to be adamant about visiting the Cemetery to see what Pokémon spawn there.

Guzma would be all for it, since he knew there were ghost type Pokémon that spawned there. However, that's why Sapphire didn't want to go, she had a fear of ghost type Pokémon. The two of them assured her that it would be fine, and that they'd keep her safe.

So with that promise Sapphire begrudgingly agreed, trusting her friends to keep her safe. The first few hours went by with ease, it wasn't until the sun started to set that the ghost types came out to play.

Sapphire was sat by the fence, since she had gotten tired of walking, while Guzma and Kukui were still looking around. It wasn't until Sapphire screamed that the boys turned around, all they saw was Sapphire running from the Cemetery. Was she... crying?! Guzma instantly took off after her while Kukui stayed to find out what scared his friend so badly.

However when he turned around he was now face to face with a Gastly. Kukui stumbled back but stood his ground, knowing that this Pokémon was what scared his friend, and he wasn't having it. Kukui quickly took down the Gastly with Rockruff's bite attack before running off to find Guzma and Sapphire.

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