Trainers School & Meeting Kukui!

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The next morning Sapphire would wake up to Popplio sleeping in her little bed on the floor. Though she would wake to the sound of Sapphire getting up and getting dressed for the day.

Popplio would let out a small bark as if to say 'Morning' as she hopped over to stand by Sapphire. Sapphire would finish getting ready and bent down, giving Popplio some gentle pats on her head before getting back up and grabbing her bag.

Sapphire would then head to the kitchen and sat at the counter as her mother placed breakfast in front of her. As Sapphire was eating her mom would be telling her about the trainers school just down the road, explaining that it would be a good place for her to start her training.

Sapphire would take a while to think about it since she wasn't exactly a people person before ultimately agreeing, knowing her mom was right. Once she finished breakfast she helped her mom clean up before starting her journey to the trainer school, stopping at the Pokémon Center along the way to stock up on some items.


At the Trainers School..


When Sapphire arrived at the school she was rather overwhelmed by the size of the campus. So overwhelmed in fact that she actually ended up getting lost and ended up by the battle field, where too trainers were battling.

Once the battle was over one of the trainers approached her, a smile on his face. "Alola! My names Kukui. I've never seen you around the school before so I'm gonna guess and say you're the new girl that just moved here?" Kukui states, Sapphire nodding to confirm his statement, explaining how she ended up getting lost.

Kukui would laugh before claiming that it happens to every new student. He would then guide her to the principals office so she could get started on her training. The principal would be explaining what Sapphire had to do in order to pass and continue on her Journey.

Sapphire would accept the challenge and went on her way around the school, now having a small nap to guide her. She went around answering questions about type advantages and held items, even being challenged to battles by some of the other trainers.

Kukui would be watching Sapphire as she went through the challenge, intrigued be her strategies. In the end Sapphire would have beaten all the trainers but one, and that was Kukui himself. The two would agree on the terms before going to their separate sides of the battle area.

This interaction would lead to an intense battle between Kukui's Rockruff and Sapphire's Popplio. In the end however Sapphire came out on top due to her type advantage against Rockruff. Though despite Sapphire winning, both her and Kukui were able to move on with their island challenge.

As the two left the school grounds Kukui asked if they could be rivals that help each other grow through their journey. Sapphire thought about it for a moment before agreeing, happy to have actually made a friend.

The two went to the Pokémon Center to heal their injured Partners before heading home for the evening, agreeing to meet up in the morning to head to Hau'oli City together. Sapphire would spend a bit more time with Popplio before the two of them called it a night and went to sleep.

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