The Journey To Akala Island!

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It's been a couple days since Sapphire had beaten Kahuna Hala in her Grand Trial. Kukui had taken him on the day after Sapphire and beat him easily. Now the two were just waiting for Guzma, who seemed to be struggling to find the right strategy to beat him.

Sapphire and Kukui have both offered to give Guzma some pointers on the fight, but each time Guzma has refused, claiming he wants to do this on his own. The two hated seeing him struggle but backed off and respected his request.

Instead Sapphire and Kukui went to prepare Kukui's family boat for the trip to Akala Island, where the next leg of their challenge will be held. By Afternoon the Next Day Guzma had finally beaten Hala and was able to join his friends on their trip.

"Guzma! You finally beat Kahuna Hala huh?" Sapphire asks him as he climbs aboard the boat, a cheeky smirk on her face. Guzma gave her a small glare yet chuckled and gently shoved her.

"Ah shut it will ya? If I hadn't beaten him I wouldn't be here yet." Guzma replies, making both Sapphire and Kukui laugh. The three would continue to talk for the remainder of the trip. Trying their best to prepare for the upcoming trials that await them on Akala Island.

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