Chapter 22:pick a side

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Alaric was klaus in disguise

How the fuck didn't I see that coming. Unknown I haven't been paying much attention to the teacher.hell I barely knew him but I felt the magic. Yet I just chopped it up to Bonnie who is on a suicide mission.

Sitting in a booth I simply watched my adopted supernatural family play pool. Up until now I only saw them as people needing help knowing they would leave once they got it but I didn't think that was the case anymore.

Luka was a minor who looked at me for direction

Vicki had control and could leave anytime yet she stays acting like the teenager she is also looking to me when she needs me

Enzo could've been left but choose to stick by me for whatever reason

Matt was the only human and one of my best friends. I can easily say he sticks around for Vicki but the more he stay around the more our friend dynamic changes and he looks to me with respect

I now understand they were a family and I was in charge of said family even if I didn't want too. They were now my responsibility.

"Will" Jeremy scooted into the booth staring at me with tears in his eyes .

"Yes jer " I won't mad at my little brother. He was kept out the loop for most of the time but I trusted Elena enough to look after him. Considering he never reached out to me I chopped it up to him being fine,but look into his eyes I could see the sadness and betrayal in them

"I can't live with Elena anymore. I don't want her to die but I've been thinking and she barely cares about me or Jenna. I never told you but Damon use to compel me when Elena told him too. " tears were now streaming down his face. "I can't live with her anymore please will come home"

Did I want to go back home? Not a chance but I won't willing to leave jer stuck being used by Elena either

"I'll do you one better. Come home with me. Leave all this shit behind, finish school and live your life like your suppose to be" I won't going back to live at that house. What I did know was I needed to tell Jenna the truth today. She was most likely going to get hurt again being with Elena and I needed her safe.

"What about Elena?" Jermy looked torn and I didn't blame him. She was his only sister and has not come to terms with the idea of her using everyone around her. She was not innocent yet no one knew that. To blinded by what they wanted to see.

"I'm done playing games Jer, Pick a side . Mine or Elena and her pets? I'm done beating around the bush so if your not with me tell me now" Leaning back in my chair I glanced towards my family who seemed to be in their own world. Luka was pouting most likely loosing to Vicki since she's now playing Enzo.

Smiling a glanced towards a now free Alaric just to see a man standing in front of him and Damon. I felt an pull towards towards him, the same thing I felt with Elijah.

What was this feeling. Why did I want this man and Elijah by my side


Jermy waved his hand confused about my reaction. I didn't have time to think about the pull as I turned to Jermy"get Jenna and meet me at this address in thirty minutes " I wrote down my address and slipped him the paper"don't tell elena or her pets anything or I'll cut you off the same way I'm doing elena" it was not an empty threat. If I couldn't trust him we were over. I had people to protect and I'll be damned if I loose them because of elena.

At the end of the day, I'll burn the entire town to the ground to protect those I see as family. Blood or not

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