Chapter 4- Prom never goes to plan.

Start from the beginning

"May" Serina sighed, clutching her hands and biting her black coated lips, she was shaking from the cold and I wanted to give her the jacket I had left inside as I saw the goosebumps rising from her arms. Sophie was a few steps behind us. Lifting her blue dress up so it didn't happen to drag along the floor. The night began to get cold and the sun that was once out had disappeared completely.

"A year ago, when you came back from visiting your brother; something happened." She swallowed hard and motioned for Sophie to continue, she was struggling to catch her breath from ruining behind us with that heavy dress of hers but she spoke none the less.

"About a month after you started dating Tyler we got to talking to him over Twitter." Twitter? I didn't even know they had it. We had all agreed when we were 14 never to get Twitter, as far as we were concerned it would drag us in and consume our souls like the demon it was. Nevertheless Sophie's words began sinking into my brain, they had spoken to Tyler without me knowing? But they tell me everything, they're my best friends. What's been going on?

"Talked to Tyler about what?"

"May, just remember we didn't know you guys were serious." Sophie started.

"Talked to Tyler about what!" I repeated, more of a statement now than a question. They were testing my patients and they knew it. 'That little something inside of me was itching to get out. Making my skin itch and feel too tight around my body.

"We slept with Tyler."

And that's when I lost all hope in myself.
My mini flashback ended and I was transported back to the snowy conditions and shivering friends staring at me with sadness in their eyes. Sophie was still swaying back and forth and Serina was biting her nails waiting for my next response. She had went to hug me but I had growled at her to leave me alone and she had gotten the message. That's when things got weird. The hail was bashing down onto my skin but it was a relief for me, I felt as though I was burning up, I scratched and tore at my skin in pain, drawing blood as my claws tore at the flesh of my forearms in a desperate attempt to free my inner self from its bonds. The words of their betrayal were echoing in my mind as I thought back to all the times I had told them how much I loved Tyler and how I would do anything for him, they had 'oohed' and 'awed' at my confessions of love and pushed me to ask him on a date, they had even picked out my dress for our one year anniversary!

The creature within began tearing at my restraint and hatched its way out of my subconscious as my back curled to the ground in pain while my bones began changing shape in a harsh quick motion. I briefly heard the two girls scream and run back inside but I payed no mind to them. The pain was excruciating, worse than the first time and I had only shifted once, for a brief moment. Something had felt off about my wolf form, something just wasn't right and I knew that I should keep myself from shifting at all costs. But now while the rage began to eat up my insides and the sense of hurt sank deep in my stomach I couldn't stop the change from happening.

A tingle ran through my body, my feet planted themselves in the gravel on the ground, I felt my face elongate and turn into a snout and screamed when my eyes rolled into the back of my head, being replaced by my wolfs unknown coloured eyes. I had never seen myself like this, and I hadn't wanted to.

With the final change of fur sprouting from my body I darted past the oncoming cars into the large field of farmland opposite the school. I saw a small foal sitting with its legs crossed under its backside, looking as though it was awaiting its mother and I went in for the kill. I remember the warm, metallic tasting blood spurting onto my face and the look of pure fear on the little horses face while I tore into its flesh and dived at its insides. This wasn't normal. I knew that much was true.

I left the bloodied carcass underneath the hay bale, staining the golden strands red. I couldn't control this animal, I had no control over my body and I was terrified; so fear stricken that a chill ran down my animal like spine, making my tail stick pin straight in the air and causing me to stop running.

I felt the creature start moving around in my mind, as though it were searching for something, and then it stopped. Memories of the torture I went through when I was younger came dashing in front of my subconscious eyes, the cigarettes being pushed deep into the skin on my stomach while the glass shards were pushed deeper into the skin of my legs while the men in that small, bleached white room with the fluorescent lights laughed. Their dark auras filling up the room like a bad stench as it mixed in with the scent of my own thick blood.

No, no this isn't right. Fight this may. You can do it.

Another voice said in my head. This one was unknown and I wondered how this was happening to my body. The memories stopped but new ones replaced it. Serina and Sophie popped into the foreground of my mind, Their bodies Sloan out on a snowy patch of grass while their skin was torn from their arms by a strange creature. It stood on two legs, yet it looked like a wolf. It's fair was dark and straggly, it's teeth sharp and yellow while its eyes were a mixture of a vivid blue, green, grey and orange. My subconscious self gasped and the beast seemed to have heard it. It turned around from its feast of the two humans and stared right at me, blood covering its snout while I clutched my mouth in fear.

"Kill them."

And that's when I blacked out.

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