CHAPTER 14: Queen Sith's New Kingdom

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Queen Sith and her army has arrived at a new castle. It is a grand castle, surrounded by a large moat and a thick forest. The castle walls are tall and imposing, adorned with flags that flutter in the wind. The queen approaches the castle gates, which are guarded by two massive stone statues of legendary warriors. As she nears, the guards come to attention and try and stop her but are easily overpowered by the queen's might. Once inside, she finds a throne.

"There it is," Queen Sith smiles in a wicked grin as she gazes upon the throne, "the heart of my power." She ascends the dais, carefully sitting on the ornate seat. The throne is made of solid gold and encrusted with precious gems, a testament to the wealth and influence of the kingdom she now rules. The backrest is carved with intricate designs of ancient battles and victorious conquests, while the armrests are shaped like fearsome beasts, their eyes made of polished onyx. As she sits upon the throne, Queen Sith feels a surge of energy and power course through her veins, as if the throne itself were alive and feeding off her ambition.

"Forget that slut, Lady Lamia," Queen Sith hisses as she runs a jewel-encrusted fingernail along the arm of the throne, "she was nothing but a stubborn girl who decides to reunite with Lady Sithella and bang both her and Amara. What a waste of good pussy!" She lets out a cold, dark laugh that echoes through the throne room. "But enough of that. It's time to focus on what truly matters: expanding my kingdom and solidifying my power. First order of business," she says, raising her voice, "I want my finest architects and engineers to begin work on a grand new castle, twice the size of this one. We shall name it 'Darkmoon'."

"Darkmoon? isn't that dumb?" one of the knights nearby muttered. Queen Sith turned to him, stabbing his eyes with her icy gaze. "It is not dumb. It is a statement of my power and dominance. Now, shut up and do as you're told. Or do you want to feel the wrath of my sword?"

The knight gulps nervously and nods, lowering his gaze. Queen Sith smirks, pleased with his submission. "Good. Now," she continues, "I want you all to begin searching for talented artisans, craftsmen, and mercenaries to join our cause. We will need the best of the best to build Darkmoon and maintain our dominance over this kingdom. And find me a sorceress. I need someone who can control the forces of nature and summon dark powers to do my bidding."

As the knights and other nobles scurry off to obey her orders, Queen Sith leans back in her throne, savoring the feel of power coursing through her veins. She gazes out at the castle grounds, envisioning the grand new keep, the towering walls, and the bustling markets that will soon surround Darkmoon. Her ambition knows no bounds, and she will stop at nothing to make her mark on history.

"Oh and one thing, WHY IS EVERYTHING ALL ABOUT SEX?!!!?" Queen Sith's voice booms across the throne room, causing several of the nobles to jump in their seats. Her eyes flash with anger as she glares at the closest knight. "You all seem to think that sex is the only thing that matters! That's why Lady Sithella and Lady Amara were so popular! They just want to bang each other and even Lady Lamia!" She spits the name like a curse. "But I am here to tell you all that sex is not what makes a kingdom strong! It's loyalty, courage, and determination! Do you understand me?"

All of the knights and nobles, save for one, hang their heads in shame. The lone dissenter, a knight who had been glancing longingly at the queen earlier, steps forward boldly. "Your Highness, it is true that we have been focused on the wrong things. We shall strive to change our ways and prove our loyalty to you."

Queen Sith's eyes narrow as she studies the knight. He is tall and muscular, with a confident bearing that speaks of battle-hardened experience. His armor is polished to a mirror-like sheen and adorned with the markings of a veteran warrior. His sword, held tightly at his side, is an impressive weapon in its own right. There is something about this knight that catches her attention, and she decides to make an example of him.

"Very well," she says, her voice cold and commanding. "Knight Torvik, you have proven yourself to be the most loyal and devoted of my subjects. I hereby appoint you the captain of my personal guard."

Knight Torvik kneels before Queen Sith, his sword clanging against the stone floor. His eyes are fixed on the queen, a mixture of awe and determination shining in them. "Thank you, Your Majesty. I swear by my life and honor to protect you with all that I have, and to uphold your rule with unwavering loyalty."

Queen Sith studies him for a moment, her expression unreadable. Then, with a nod, she says, "Rise, Knight Torvik. Your loyalty has not gone unnoticed. You will have your own quarters within the castle, and I expect you to train your men well. The success of my kingdom rests upon your shoulders."

As Knight Torvik stands tall once more, a look of determination etched onto his features, Queen Sith turns her attention back to the remaining nobles. "Now, I want each of you to come forward and swear your allegiance to me. I am not interested in empty promises or meaningless gestures. I want each of you to prove your loyalty by performing a task that will benefit Darkmoon. Bring your ideas to me within the week, and I will decide which of you are worthy to serve beside Knight Torvik."

The nobles exchange nervous glances, unsure of how to proceed. One by one, they step forward, bowing their heads in submission as they swear their fealty to Queen Sith. The air in the throne room crackles with anticipation as each noble presents their ideas for improving Darkmoon. Some propose grandiose plans for expanding the city's trade routes, while others suggest more practical measures, such as strengthening the castle walls or improving the local farming techniques.

Queen Sith listens intently to each proposal, her gaze sharp and unyielding as she evaluates the merits of each idea. She paces the throne room, deep in thought, before finally making her decisions known. To her surprise, many of the nobles impress her with their ingenuity and dedication.

One particular noble, a scholarly man named Lord Thelon, catches her attention. He presents a detailed plan for establishing a grand library within the castle, complete with an extensive collection of books on history, politics, strategy, and magic. Queen Sith is fascinated by this proposal and immediately sees the value in it. She appoints Lord Thelon as her personal advisor and tasks him with overseeing the construction of the library.

As the weeks pass, work begins on the library, and word spreads throughout Darkmoon of the queen's vision for her kingdom. The people, once disillusioned and cynical, begin to see hope in their leader and her commitment to building something greater than herself. Knight Torvik and his men train tirelessly, honing their skills and preparing for whatever challenges may come.

Lord Thelon, in the meantime, spends his days poring over books and scrolls, gathering the knowledge that will fill the shelves of the new library. He works closely with scholars and experts from across the land, trading ideas and insights, and soon the library becomes a center of learning and discovery.

Knight Torvik, eager to prove his worth as captain of the queen's guard, trains his men relentlessly. He sets high standards for them, demanding discipline, courage, and a willingness to sacrifice for the greater good. Under his command, the personal guard becomes a formidable force, feared and respected throughout Darkmoon.

The kingdom was finally beginning to thrive under Queen Sith's rule. The library, now a centerpiece of Darkmoon, attracted scholars and thinkers from far and wide. They studied the ancient tomes and shared their knowledge, contributing to a new era of progress and enlightenment. Lord Thelon, with the queen's blessing, established a network of spies and informants throughout the realm, ensuring that they remained vigilant against any threats to their hard-won peace.

"My kingdom is finally finished!" Queen Sith exclaims, stepping out onto the balcony of the castle tower. Beneath her feet, the city of Darkmoon stretches out in all its glory. The streets are bustling with activity, merchants hawking their wares, children laughing and playing, and guards patrolling the well-maintained walls. The grand library, now a towering edifice at the heart of the city, stands as a testament to the knowledge and progress that have flourished under her rule.

"Come out, King Crossover! I'm waiting..." Queen Sith's voice echoes through the castle grounds, her tone challenging, defiant and wicked. The air is tense with anticipation as the people of Darkmoon gather around, their eyes fixed on the distant forest, waiting for the arrival of their recurring foe. 

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