CHAPTER 3: Queen Sith's Plan

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As Queen Sith retreated to her underworld kingdom, fuming with rage and plotting vengeance against the meddlesome duo of Sir Lancelot and King Crossover, she couldn't help but feel a strange sense of defeat. It was as if some invisible force had been holding her back, preventing her from reaching her full potential as a ruler. She knew that she needed to come up with a better plan, one that would not only restore her power but also ensure that her subjects remained loyal and fearful. Sitting atop her cold, stone throne, surrounded by the putrid stench of brimstone and the eternal darkness of her underworld realm, Queen Sith began to ponder her next move.

She had always relied on brute force and intimidation to maintain control over her subjects, but now she realized that this approach had its limitations. Perhaps it was time to change tactics and employ more subtle methods of manipulation and psychological warfare. The more she thought about it, the more she became convinced that the key to her success lay in the shadows, in the realm of the unseen and the unknown. She would need to gather information about Sir Lancelot and King Crossover, learn their strengths and weaknesses, and find ways to exploit them.

"Those bastards..." Queen Sith muttered under her breath, clenching her fists in frustration. "They've got this whole 'chivalry' thing down pat, don't they? Always playing by the rules, always looking out for the little guy. Well, I'll show them that you can't win a war with honor!" she cackled darkly.

Then one of the gates open, and it was her wife Lady Lamia, Queen Sith's trusted advisor. "My Queen, I have returned from the surface world. I bring news that might interest you." Lady Lamia curtsied low before presenting a scroll to her queen. Curiosity piqued, Queen Sith took the scroll and unfurled it before her. As she read the contents, her eyes widened with growing excitement.

"So," she said, her voice barely above a whisper, "it seems that Sir Lancelot and King Crossover are planning a grand tournament in honor of the newly crowned king's coronation. They intend to invite the finest knights and nobles from across the land to compete for glory and prizes." Queen Sith smiled coldly. "This could be our opportunity," she said, her voice dripping with malice. "We will infiltrate this tournament, sow discord among their ranks, and find a way to bring them both down from within."

Her wife, Lady Lamia, nodded in agreement. "I have already sent out spies to gather more information about the tournament's location and date. We should know everything we need to know within the week." Queen Sith nodded, her eyes fixed on a point beyond her wife. "Once we have that information," she continued, "we can begin preparing our forces. We will need to gather the most cunning and ruthless warriors from our underworld realm to compete against their knights."

As the two of them plotted their revenge, Queen Sith couldn't help but feel a sense of renewed purpose. She knew that this tournament would be their chance to regain control and restore their former glory. The thought of once again standing tall amongst the mortals, basking in their fear and awe, drove her onward. She would not rest until Sir Lancelot and King Crossover lay defeated at her feet.

Lady Lamia was concerned if Queen Sith was alright, given how focused she was on their plan. "My Queen, are you sure that you are well? You seem quite obsessed with this tournament." Queen Sith turned to her wife, her gaze steely. "This tournament, my dear, is our ticket back to the surface world. Our chance to regain our power and show them all who we truly are. I will not rest until we have achieved our goals." She paused for a moment, her eyes once again taking on a faraway look. "And when we do, we will rule with an iron fist. There will be no more talk of honor or chivalry. Only fear and obedience."

Lady Lamia answered, "I was asking because after that battle, you look injured."Queen Sith gave a bitter laugh. "Ah, yes. The foolish Lancelot. He thought he could best me in single combat. Little did he know that I was merely toying with him. A scratch like this means nothing to one such as I. It is but a reminder of the price we must pay for our ambition." She paused, considering her words carefully. "No, my obsession with this tournament has nothing to do with my physical state. It runs deeper than that. It is the fire that burns within me, the need to reclaim what is rightfully mine."

Lady Lamia understood Queen Sith's determination, but she was still worried about her health. "My Queen, perhaps it would be best for you to rest and recover before we begin making any major moves. You don't want to appear weakened when we face our enemies. We must present a united front, and you are our leader." Queen Sith considered her wife's words, taking a moment to steady her breath. "You're right, my love. I must set an example for our followers. A strong leader does not show their weaknesses, even when they are injured. I will take some time to recuperate and prepare myself for the challenges ahead."

"But there's one thing I need you to do, Lady Lamia," Queen Sith said, "I'm gonna need you to stay and guard this castle while I'm gone. Do not let that bitch Lady Sithella in here, no matter what she says or promises. You got that?"

"yes..." Lady Lamia replied, her voice feeling a bit gloomy, "...I understand. I'll guard this castle with my life, my Queen. You can trust me." She bowed her head slightly.

"Good." Queen Sith nodded, satisfied. "Now, listen carefully. If you ever need my help, send a raven to me and I'll return as soon as I can. You understand?"

Queen Sith leaves and grabs a disguise and named it "The White Knight." Lady Lamia was left alone, guarding the castle.

"Lady Sithella, my love, I wish you were here with me," Lady Lamia whispered to herself as she walked along the castle walls. The wind whistled through her long, silver hair, making it dance playfully around her shoulders. She sighed, thinking about the life they once shared, filled with passion and adventure. But now, all she had was the cold, empty castle and the weight of her Queen's words on her shoulders.

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