CHAPTER 10: Sithella

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Meanwhile at Queen Sith's Kingdom, Lady Amara and Lady Lamia were cuddling with each other in their bed naked, sharing stories of their past adventures. "You know, Lady Lamia," said Lady Amara, "I've always admired your kindness and bravery. Even I managed you to trust me and I accepted you as your, well, sex buddy." Lady Lamia smiled and caressed Amara's cheek. "It's not that hard to trust you, my dear. You've proven yourself to be a loyal and trustworthy ally, not to mention an incredible lover." They kissed passionately, their nails scratching gently against each other's backs.

One of Queen Sith's knights were watching them from the shadows, lust filling his heart. "Jesus, they're so beautiful together..." he muttered to himself. "Hey! Queen! I need to tell you something about King Crossover!" he shouted, running into the throne room. Queen Sith frowned, annoyed by the interruption. "What is it, knight?" she asked impatiently. "King Crossover's forces are stuck in the forest! They can't seem to find their way out!" the knight informed her. Queen Sith's eyes widened with excitement. "Excellent news! Prepare my forces. We'll ambush them and wipe them out!" She turned to Lady Amara and Lady Lamia but realized she can't ruin their moment.

Queen Sith decided to go to her own forces and let Lady Lamia and Amara make out as long as they wanted, knowing they'd be back to duty soon enough. She smiled at the thought of their lusty embraces, and the passion they brought to their love-making. As she made her way through the halls of the castle, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in her ladies.

"Amara, there is another girl I would like you to meet." Lady Lamia whispered into her ear as they continued to make out, their naked bodies entwined together. "She's strong, brave, and incredibly loyal. I think you two would get along quite well." Lady Amara pulled away slightly, her breathing heavy as she looked into Lady Lamia's eyes. "And who might this mysterious girl be?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Suddenly, the door opens and another lady named Sithella walks in. She was tall and had long, flowing hair that seemed to glow in the candlelight. "Hi, Amara. Lady Lamia told me so much about you. I'm glad to finally meet you in person." Her voice was smooth as silk, and her emerald green eyes sparkled with intelligence and warmth. "I've heard a lot about your exploits as well, Lady Sithella," Amara replied, feeling a little flustered by the attention. "I must say, it's an honor to meet you."

"Oh, please, call me Sithella," she said with a gentle smile. "We're all lovers here, after all."

"Wait! Lady Lamia and Lady Sithella, you're both lovers with each other?! Especially to me?!" Lady Amara's eyes widened in shock and surprise. She felt like she was in a dream, her heart pounding rapidly against her chest. She glanced between the two beautiful, confident women, struggling to comprehend the revelation. "But... how? When?" she managed to stammer out.

"Oh, Sithella and I secretly dated before Queen Sith founded me," Lady Lamia explained with a soft smile, her emerald eyes never leaving Lady Amara's face. "We were quite the scandal in those days. But we couldn't keep it hidden any longer, and the Queen discovered us. She forced me to be her wife, but Sithella... she was allowed to keep her freedom. We both vowed to love each other no matter what, and so we continued our secret relationship."

"Oh, I see... I knew that Queen Sith was evil, but I never thought she'd do something like that, how could she do that to you?" Lady Amara asked, her voice a little more confident but still a little concerned. She looked at the two women with newfound respect and admiration, feeling honored to be in their presence.

"Lady Amara, I'm going to lock this door to our chamber that we are in. I need you to know that nothing that happens in here will leave this room. You are safe here, and so is your secret. I will protect you with my life, just as I protected Lady Lamia," Lady Sithella assured her, her voice gentle yet firm. She walked over to the door and locked it with a small key, then turned back to face the young woman.

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