Chapter 8: The empire's demise

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November 17, 2024 Fallmart

The city of Sacto the former lands of sadera.

         Akio  mosa walked the streets of Sacto  in silence. a horseless carriage belonging to there new government sped down the street past, and soldier's clad in grey cotton uniform's patrolled the area. There was a curfew in place and had been since the Germanians took control of the empire, there stupid prince had been ignorant and naive to think of asking the foreigner's for help. Akio moved through the shadows as he made is way towards the edge of the city. He needed to find the princess and tell her what zorzal had done. Akio had been the head messenger for the imperial family for years and had lived in the palace with his father who had also been the royal messenger. they had been treated almost as well as the royal family themselves, and Akio had known the princess his whole life. Akio lifted a sewer drain cover and slipped into the passage that led under the walls of the city. he exited the other side to find his ears being touched by the sounds of iron dragons. high above dozens of the big iron dragons flew towards what had once been the capitol of sadera did the invaders know? if they did why keep fighting and start a war with an equally powerful force, but mabye that's exactly what they want.


date: 2/27/673 fallmart 

time: 3:28 am

above the city of sadera

Germanian fighter wing 27. 

           Air corporal Faust knew where he was going and what he was doing. his wings mission was simple. shoot down the American bombers, which in turn would start a war. Faust knew that it was wrong, that they shouldn't do this but, orders were orders. up ahead Faust saw an impossible sight. dozens of Super bombers bigger than any he had ever seen and all were American, he knew because they had the star. funny that, that had remained from the old world from before his ancestors appeared here. He heard the engage order and regretfully pushed his throttle forward. his aircraft throttled forward and sliced through the air, it's engine began to roar as it was fed more fuel. he was almost in weapons range when suddenly he got the missile lock tone. He quickly deployed flares and took evasive maneuvers, behind him and explosion sounded and shook his air frame. on his radar a little tiny blip was following him, but that couldn't be, the blip looked to be the size of a honey bee, but it was flying and mach 1. Faust looked behind him to see if he could spot the plane but couldn't see very well. missile tone sounded again and he launched more flares, he had to find his enemy and get behind him. he decide to pull a risky maneuver. he throttled down fast almost to stall speed and pulled his nose up at a 30 degree angle he was risking his life but it had to work, he saw the blip move past him and he pushed the nose down and the throttle back up but before he could even get a lock the blip speed up to an unreal speed and flip around. off to his right and left midair explosions occurred in the sky and the friendly blips of his air wing began to rapidly disappear as more bumble blips appeared on the screen. He was well over 15,000 ft it would be futile to bail his parachute required him to be at 18,000 ft to deploy in time, the only thing he could think was to ditch in a lake or river. the first rays of light were now beginning to crest the horizon. down below he saw a straight section of river. the blips were were now coming after him he was the last one left he couldn't see the bombers anymore. he dove towards the river fearing that he wouldn't make it when the blips began to back off an shadow him but still following were they letting him ditch? he came down and deployed flaps. the landing was hard but his plane roughly survived. he climbed out and pulled out his pistol and aimed it the plane getting ready to shoot the fuel tank to blow up the plane when suddenly multiple lights shined on him blinding him. in German a voice yelled.

" put down the gun and get on your knee's!" he had no choice but to comply, the lights began to settle off of his eyes and the last thing he saw before his eyes were covered was an entire American armored and infantry column heading towards the city of Sacto.



30 minutes later

      Fredrich could see the a glowing light on the horizon as it got bigger and he knew what is was. cresting a hill 30 miles away an entire army began to reveal itself. everything from helicopters, to troops, artillery, and even strange looking tanks. they only had 15 tiger 4H1's stationed in Sacto and they had never had a proper tank battle before. these behemoths of steel that the Americans were brandishing were nothing like the ones that the Rosco federation had had in there ranks. Friedrich heard the alarm sound and he rushed to his machine gun in the tower. The germaninan tans moved outside the city gates and positioned themselves for optimal firing accuracy while the American tanks kept moving but the infantry and Heli's held back. a germaninan tiger fired its 100mm cannon. the shell flew from the turret with the ferocity of a thousand bullets, it stuck its target dead on but instead on penetrating or even bouncing off the shell flattened against the armor  and fell uselessly to the ground. Fredrich's jaw dropped, not only had the tank just stop a 100mm shell dead in its tracks it didn't even show any damage to the hull at all. Now it was the Americans turn, the American tanks all fired at there targets wiping the floor with the germaninan tanks firing with great accuracy while moving. This battle was over before it began Fredrich realized, but he couldn't just abandon his post that would for sure get him killed. he began shooting his machine gun at the now approaching helicopters and the AA gun emplacements behind his tower began to fire as well it was chaos. the American tanks now Unopposed began to fire there guns taking out the towers and walls. Fredrich jumped from his gun and onto the shingled roof just as a shell exploded the tower behind him. he could now hear the sound of small arms fire and knew that the American soldiers would be here soon.


         Micheal baton looked at the crumbling tower from his scope he knew he had seen a figure jump from it.  just as he was about to look else were a head poped up over the crest of the roof he saw a rifle be brought up and set on the roof. it looked like a mix between a kar98 and a and a Barrett he lined up his shot and fired. blood splattered from the head and the body fell down to the ground as the rifle fell on the other side of the wall. from the corner of his scope he saw a sniper glint from a scope in the clock tower he swiveled aimed and shot his HUD showed that the smart bullet had made contact and was releasing the nitrogen gas into the poor bastards body. He'd be dead in seconds.


      outside The city of Sacto

Akio ran to one of the American carriages with his hands up the man in grey on top of the horseless carriage swiveled his big black staff to face him. he pushed his hands higher, he ahd to get the message to princess.


 The war room at fort alnus was buzzing with activity. 1 Germanian pilot and his plane had been captured, the city of Sacto was under siege and would be captured within the hour, a man surrendered him self to soldiers outside the city claiming to have a message for miss pina colada, and the final declaration of war was being finalized to be sent to the Germanian capitol. This was it the war between giants had begun a war that fallmart had never seen before was about to begin.

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