After finishing my makeup, I went downstairs to take a few pictures for Instagram

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

After finishing my makeup, I went downstairs to take a few pictures for Instagram. As I was getting some final shots, I heard knocking at the door. Breia and Solange fought to the door, opening it to reveal Lala. "Lalaaaaaa, I missed you," Breia said hugging her. I smile softly as our eyes meet. She stared at me longingly after Breia released her from the hug. "Hi," I said blushing. "Hey pretty girl, you look beautiful." She complimented. "Thank you, so do you," I said. I gave everyone kisses goodbye and we walked out the door.

When we made it to the car, Lala opened the door for me allowing me to get in. She made sure I was comfortable before closing the door and heading to her side. We were stopped at a red light, and I felt her burning a hole in my face. "What you staring at girl?" I asked her. "I don't know, something pretty." She said immediately diminishing my hard act. I rolled my eyes just as we were pulling up to the restaurant. I can't believe she's bringing me to Pochè, my favorite restaurant.

As we were seated, I couldn't help but feel nervous about this whole thing. We made small talk but were interrupted by the waitress coming over to take our order. "I'll have the smothered shrimp and a red wine please" I ordered. "Can I please have the sesame-seared salmon, topped with the truffle sauce?" She asked. "Yes ma'am, and for your drink?" "I'll have a red wine as well" she stated.

"So, how does it feel to be called mommy?" She asked. I smiled big, thinking about my baby girl. "It feels great, Breia is one of the best things that has happened to me. I genuinely can't see my life without her." I said. "Yeah, same. It's only been a little while but I love that little girl." I smiled at her, loving her acceptance of my baby.

"Tell me more about Beyoncé, the person, not the artist." She said. "I'm really shy, believe it or not. I grew up in a two-parent household for the most part. My parent split when I was about 12, but that was also a kickstart of my career. I can paint, and I love anything music related obviously. I don't love easily unless it's a child. I just learned to cook about a year ago. I don't have a favorite color, and my last relationship was about ten years ago." I rambled off. She stared at me with a cheeky smile. I put my head down avoiding eye contact, while blushing from her stare.
"What happened in your last relationship that made you not date for so long?" She asked. I took a deep breath and cleared my throat. "I really don't want to get into that," I said.


When she said that, I looked around awkwardly, waiting for her to start another conversation. I really didn't want this part of the date to go bad, but it's starting to lose its spark. "Tell me about Alani, the person" I heard breaking me out of my daydream. "Well, I'm an actress. It has always been my dream. I grew up with just my mom around. I have one sister, she's 7. She was adopted about two years ago. Her name is Riley, but everyone called her Rybug or Ri. I love makeup, and my hidden talent is singing." I said. "Awww, do you have a picture of her?" She asked. "I do, but she's a big fan of some blonde girl from Destiny's Child and I'm not sure she'll approve of my showing the pictures I have." I rolled my eyes jokingly. She reached over and shoved me, laughing loudly. "You're such a dork, and I would love to meet her," she said. We continued talking and sharing stories before it was time to pay the bill.

The next part of the date was stargazing at my house, but the rain came crashing down as soon as we got to the car. "Welp, my second plan is ruined," I said sadly. "What was it" she asked. I explained to her what my plans were and she suggested going back to her house and watching a movie. I agreed and drove in that direction.

By the time we made it to her house, she was asleep in the passenger seat. I saw Solange's car still there, so I texted her and told her to open the door. I grabbed Bey into my arms and carried her to the door. While I was taking off her makeup, she opened her eyes and looked around confused. "You fell asleep in the car and I didn't want to wake you so I carried you here." She smiled at me before reaching up and bringing me into a kiss. The kiss began to get heated so I pulled away. "Not now, baby." She nodded before getting up to shower and I did the same in her guest room.

With a movie playing in the background, I held her in my arms as we slept peacefully.

a little something for y'all. I will update again soon, bear with me 😭!

can you hug me?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ