Volume 1: Back in Town

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"Hell no! He disappears for a..."

The Sentry placed a calming hand on her upper arm. His tone was soft and sweet, "I promise Kara, I will answer your questions. I would prefer somewhere a bit...less public." She stopped, seemingly okay with this compromise, "The Hall should be mostly empty...we can talk there." Batgirl placed a hand on Supergirl's shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze, "We can show you the way if you want."

The Sentry laughed, "Uh, no. That won't be necessary. I'll meet you there...I hope my password still works." He shot off into the sky, leaving the two alone. "Well, come on, Kara. Let's get your answers. I'll call Donna and let her know to meet us there." Batgirl expectedly held her arms out to the side, waiting.

Supergirl huffed and picked her friend up before flying off after the gold blur.

Supergirl flew slower on purpose, hoping to question the redhead in her arms, "So...how do you know The Sentry?" The redhead glanced up, "I know him the same way you do? In case you forgot, we're superheroes." Supergirl scoffed, "I will drop you, Barb! You know what I meant. He doesn't just know you...he knows you."

Barbara chuckled, but truth be told, she too had that same question, "I honestly don't know. As far as I know, he doesn't have a secret identity I could've crossed paths with. He's just...him." Kara didn't seem pleased with this answer. The Kryptonian bit her lip in thought, "Well, you might be looking at it the wrong way. Kal is around the same size, but he hides it well."

There was a short silence, nothing but the sound of wind passing by them. "I'm sure we'll get all the answers you crave, Kara." This caused the blonde to glance down at her ginger friend, "What? You don't have any questions? One of the strongest heroes on Earth disappears for a year, and you're not a bit curious?"

"We don't even know his name!"

Barbara couldn't help but smirk at her friend's passion, even if it was a bit childish in her mind. "Maybe he has good reason to hide his identity. Bruce didn't reveal his identity to the League until years later." This didn't sate the blonde's curiosity, "Yeah...well, I want to know! Do you think Bruce knows?" Barbara tapped her chin; if anyone knew, it was Bruce. Though, The Sentry was a different case.

Supergirl changed the subject, whether out of impatience or pure hyperactivity, was unknown. "So...did you see how he winked at Donna?" This finally grabbed a reaction from the Bat, "Really? No way."

"For real! And he called her Don! He has a lot of explaining to do!"

"Sounds like someone's a little jealous," Barbara whispered teasingly, knowing Kara could hear her just fine. "Seriously, Barb, I will drop you. No one would know." Barbara laughed, imitating Kara's impression of the Golden One. "Oh, Donna, you look so lovely in red. It suits you! Mwah mwah mwah!"

Kara sped up, sending Barbara jarring, "Oh look, there's the Hall! Now you can shut up and never mention this again!" Barbara laughed as she landed on solid ground, "Alright, Kara. Let's go get your man!"


Barbara entered before Kara, eager to get this thing done. "Hey guys! We're...here." She stopped, looking into the eyes of someone of The Sentry in civilian clothing. It was honestly such a weird sight. She'd never seen Sentry out of his suit before. No one had, to her knowledge.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 28 ⏰

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