Volume 3: Training the Trinity

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I looked at the people lined up and down at a table with many folders. I hear someone walking toward the door, and a few seconds later, someone enters the room. I turn to see a woman in a suit approaching me. She stops before me and reaches her hand out, which I shake, "Agent Maria Hill. I'm here to assist you with the team selections."

I smile and gesture to the folders, "Guessing you set these up?" She nods, and I pick one up. I need to remember I need teammates who compliment me. I might be powerful, but I need people who have good hand-to-hand experience. I see a tall woman in purple armor standing off to the side. I make my way over to her. She was about a head taller than me. 

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Alexandra Daddario as Claire Shelton/Power Princess

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Alexandra Daddario as Claire Shelton/Power Princess

"Y/N Reynolds. Mind telling me about yourself?" She looks down at me and smiles, "Claire Shelton. I gotta say, when they debriefed us earlier, they left out how handsome you are." I feel my cheeks warm up at her words and do my best to shake them off. "Ahem, why thank you. You're quite beautiful yourself." Maria steps up next to me, folder in hand, "Claire Shelton, AKA Power Princess. Daughter of Zarda Shelton, the original Power Princess. Claire is an excellent combatant, having trained in multiple forms of hand-to-hand combat and weaponry due to her extended lifespan and through her mother's combat training. Claire also possesses a near genius-level intellect. She is also fluent in Delphinese, the language of dolphins." 

She passes the folder to me, and I skim over everything else. Capable of lifting up to 75 tons, Superhuman speed, stamina, and durability. Enhanced lifespan and regenerative capabilities. Capable of subsonic flight. She sounds like an excellent choice for the team. Not only is she strong, but she's a trained fighter. "Enhanced lifespan; mind if I ask how old you are?" 

She smirks, a hand on her hip, "Mr. Reynolds. Didn't your father teach you never to ask a lady her age?" I smile at her tease. Her energy is very contagious. "Just curious. You look no older than me if that makes it any better." 

She giggles before answering, "Well, if you must know, I'm 250. Which, among Utopians, is what you'd call a teenager. Physically by your standard, I'm around 19." I can't help but look a bit in awe; is this the future set before me? To grow old but unchanging? I nod in response before turning to Maria, "She's in."

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