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Hello! It's been a long time since I've touched this book, but I'm back almost a year later. 

To make a short story shorter, when it came to writing, I began to 'chase the dopamine' in a sense. I wrote and published many books since I abandoned this one. However, I've since worked through that issue and have devised a plan to focus on three stories at a time and rotate chapters between them. 

The Golden Guardian (This book) will get the next chapter, followed by a currently unnamed Avatar: The Last Airbender book, and then The Prince of Heaven (Percy Jackson). So, given that, I want to work on that Avatar book, given it's probably one of my favorite series in fiction. 

What I want to know here, is if anyone would prefer that I revamp this story. Start fresh from the beginning and a whole new story. 

My plans for the revamp are simple, most characters will remain the same characterization-wise, but there will be a significant change to Y/N. His personality and his origin will be changed. My idea is to move away from the more villainous side and focus more on The Sentry instead of The Void. Y/N would be born with his powers and by the beginning of the story, have almost full use of them. Think sort of like Mark from Invincible. Y/N will start young (Probably last year in High School. I have a few ideas for a 'Young Justice' sort of approach. With some of the younger DC stars getting some shine.) 

Depending on whether or not this gets any interaction, after a few days, I'm going to start on the revamp anyway. I think it'll be a better, more thought-out story. Well, that's all from me for today, I'm going to be storyboarding my Avatar book, and after I finish, I'll start putting words down for the 'reboot'. 

Sayonara, my friends. Stay Frosty!

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