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"Ugh," Draco muttered from beside me as he collapsed into the couch and swung one arm around my shoulders while he sipped on a butterbeer in his other hand

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"Ugh," Draco muttered from beside me as he collapsed into the couch and swung one arm around my shoulders while he sipped on a butterbeer in his other hand. "Remind me who thought it was a good idea to invite these pompous idiots to our party?" It was Friday night and we had opened up the Slytherin common room to a party for all who wished to attend. I snorted as I turned to look up at him and the clench of his jaw.

"And by pompous idiots, Dray, whoever do you mean?" I asked. I never knew anymore who he couldn't stand with his preference for the other houses changing with the days. Ravenclaw was usually safe from Draco's wrath, but even they seemed to be on shaky ground after Penelope Clearwater had stood Enzo up for a date over summer.

"Everyone," He huffed. "These damned mudbloods are ruining my good mood."

"Draco Malfoy!" I cried and he shot me a guilty look. I scowled at him. "Because you're usually such a ray of sunshine." I rolled my eyes as he snorted.

"Thought I'd meander my sunshine all the way over here to try and brighten up your storm cloud," He said, reaching down with the arm around my shoulders to tickle my waist and I giggled as I pushed him away.

"Who are you calling a storm cloud?" I asked.

"Your face."

"Excuse me?"

"I was scared you were going to make Blaise cry with the way you were glaring at him," He said with raised eyebrows as I glared at him.

"I wasn't glaring at him," I said.

"Glaring through him, then." I shook my head. "What's going on, Luce? I know we've been in a bit of a weird place but, well, it's me. You can talk to me about whatever it is, you know that, right?" He said and the vulnerability in his eyes made my harsh glare drop as I sighed.

"Of course I know that," I said softly. "It's just– I can't talk about this with you, Dray." His mouth dropped.

"Why not?" He asked. I shook my head again and pushed myself upright on the couch so I could turn my body to face him more.

"I just... can't. It isn't that I don't want to talk to you about this, it's just... It isn't my place to talk about this." If I kept one promise for the rest of my life, it would be taking everything Theo had confided in me to my grave.

"You're talking about Nott," Draco said, his face blank.

"What does it matter who I'm talking about, Dray? I love you but I won't be talking to you about this," I said sharply.

"I just think it's fucked up that you have never kept a secret from me in your entire life unless it had to do with him," He said and I glared.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Just that you're so needy for someone to love you that you'll lose yourself just to get on your knees for him," He snarled. For a second, everything stopped and I couldn't see anything but Draco in front of me. I couldn't hear anything except his ragged breaths. Then I saw red as the world came caving back in. I stood from the couch in one lithe movement and tossed what little of my glass of firewhiskey that was left right in his face.

"Fuck you, Draco," I spat down at him as heads turned in our direction. "Seriously, fuck you. If this is how you're going to speak to me, then I'm fucking done with you." I saw the regret flash on his face as it twisted and as he made a move to reach for me, I pulled my arm back and tossed my empty glass down onto his lap.

"Lucy–" He called as I turned away but I just gave him the finger over my shoulder as I snatched an unopened bottle of firewhiskey from a table with my other hand and left him there on the couch in a ring of onlookers. I stalked through the common room, taking gulps of firewhiskey to try and dull the burn in the back of my eyes at what Draco, who was supposed to be my best friend, had said to me. The more I thought back on our conversation and every conversation we'd had since Theo had come back into our lives, the more rage I felt boil in my blood. The beginning of the firewhiskey started swimming in my head but it did nothing to satiate the rage inside. All it did was burn the flames brighter and I wanted to hurt Draco.

I was thinking about turning back and throwing the glass bottle at his head when my eyes caught onto someone standing in the back corner of the room, shrouded in darkness save for the lit end of his cigarette. I stalked over to him and put my hands on my hips as he took a long drag as he looked me up and down, clearly trying to get a read on my emotions.

"Still mad, angel?" He asked, blowing smoke right in my face. I didn't react and instead let myself breathe in his secondhand smoke.

"I'm not sure how not to be mad at you, Riddle," I growled. "But lucky for you, I'm a whole lot angrier at someone else tonight." I took a long swig of the firewhiskey until my throat burned and Mattheo watched every movement.

"I assume you want me for something right now, Fontaine," He said and I returned his favour by running my eyes up and down his body.

"For something," I said airily, not missing the flash in his eyes. "Dance with me."

"Dance with you?" He repeated and I nodded.

"Did I stutter?" I asked. "Dance with me and put your hands on my body." The corner of Mattheo's mouth lifted upwards as he pushed slightly off the wall.

"Well, well, well," He said, so close I could smell the tobacco on his breath as his lips rested a hair's length from the corner of my mouth. I didn't dare move an inch. "Where's your boyfriend, angel?" He asked, lips barely touching the skin on my throat now and fuck if I didn't want him to kiss me there.

"This is your daily reminder that I don't have one, angel."

"Who's got you so worked up you're begging me to touch you?" He whispered against my throat, one finger drawing down my bare arm until I shivered. Against my better judgement, I let my head fall to the side to grant Mattheo better access and I gasped as he used his tongue to lick over the shell of my ear and down my jaw.

"Draco," I muttered, my free hand grabbing onto the bottom of his t-shirt and clenching my fingers around the fabric. Mattheo chuckled softly.

"Mmm," He murmured against my skin. "Must have been some fight to have sent you into my arms." As he said it, both of his hands clamped down on my hips and he turned the two of us so fast I was short of breath as he pushed me against the wall he'd just been leaning against. The logical part of my brain left reminded me this was Mattheo Riddle and he was bad news, but then those hands slid underneath my shirt and gripped my hips so tight I knew I would have handprints on my body tomorrow.

"I asked you to dance with me, Riddle, not push me against the wall," I reminded him with breathy words and he chuckled again, so low and soft against my collarbone.

"Well, if I dance with you, what will I get in return?" He asked before gently pulling my skin between his teeth and nipping until I groaned and involuntarily pushed my hips up against his and he was, oh, he was hard against me. All logic left my mind as he grinded his hips back into mine and I felt him against my centre and I was no longer me. I was now a little drunk, angry and horny.

"If you dance with me and help me make him so angry he'll forget the day he met me, and I'll do to you what he accused me of," I promised. Mattheo pulled his head back to search my eyes, a small smirk on his lips.

"What did he accuse you of, angel?" He asked, excitement coursing through his voice.

"That I'll lose myself to get on my knees." Mattheo's dark eyes flared and he swore under his breath before he took a step back and pulled me towards the dance floor in the middle of the common room.

"Fuck, angel," He swore. "I'll lose myself to get you on your knees, too." 

head above water (oc x mattheo riddle / theodore nott)Where stories live. Discover now