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Draco sat beside me at breakfast the next morning, shovelling down food like he'd been starved half his life

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Draco sat beside me at breakfast the next morning, shovelling down food like he'd been starved half his life. Pansy sat on my other side with a plate of pancakes and strawberries, where mine was mostly empty save for the two watermelon slices I'd taken from the platter. One of my legs had been bouncing underneath the table the entire time we had been sat and finally Pansy sighed loud and turned to me.

"Out with it, then," She said. I stared at her as Draco turned to focus on her words as well. Just great.

"Huh?" I played dumb.

"Bitch, you only bounce your leg like that when you want to come clean about something," Pansy said with a roll of her eyes. Draco made a noise of agreement in the back of his throat and I looked away from Pansy for a second to glare at him. "So just tell us so I can get back to my breakfast in peace." Both their eyes were on me as I looked to my dismal plate, my cheeks turning red with embarrassment.

"I had sex with Theo again last night," I muttered out in a rush. Both of my closest friends stared at me for several quiet moments before Pansy barked a laugh.

"I'm not fucking surprised," She said and my gaze snapped to hers.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The second you told me you had sex with him at the party, Luce, I knew it wouldn't be the last," She said. "Hate sex is like being addicted to drugs. You can never get enough."

"Being addicted to drugs is bad news, Parkinson," Draco said evenly from his place by my other side. With a quick glance at him, his fists were balled and his jaw was clenched.

"Clearly you've never had hate sex, Malfoy," Pansy shot back.

"I've had sex with you, Parkinson," He retorted and she glared at him.

"Stop it," I muttered. "How do I stop it?"

"You just don't do it again, Lucy." Draco rolled his eyes and I turned to Pansy with wide eyes.

"How do I stop?" I mouthed, deciding saying anything to Draco had been a mistake. With a past as entwined as the three of ours, I should never have mentioned anything about my relationship, or whatever the fuck you could call what we'd had for a short time, to Draco. He was angry with me that I'd waited this long to tell him, and he was disappointed in me for having sex with him after he'd left us for two years.

"Do you even want to stop?" Pansy asked as she ate a mouthful of pancake.

"Of course I do," I snorted and she rolled her eyes.

"Malfoy might be your platonic soulmate, or whatever, but I'm the one who always knows when you're lying," She said and my cheeks heated as I felt Draco's eyes boring into the back of my head.

"I'm not lying." Except I said it through my teeth and Pansy rolled her eyes a second time.

"It's fine if you want to keep having sex with him, Luce," She said, throwing her hair over her shoulder as Draco coughed on his food behind me. "It doesn't mean you're in love with him. It means he's hot and he gets you off, it doesn't make you a criminal."

"Talking about me, sweetheart?" My mouth snapped closed as my reply died on my lips as Theo's voice rang in my ears. I turned to see him walking past where we sat, Mattheo by his side looking on with narrowed eyes.

"In your dreams, asshole," I shot back.

"What's with the attitude this morning, Fontaine?" He asked. "You weren't calling me an asshole last night when you were begging me to come inside of you." My mouth dropped open with his casual way of bringing it up to anyone in a six foot radius as other Slytherins turned to look between us. Mattheo's narrowed eyes widened and snapped to the back of Theo's head, his lips parting slightly.

"I can't remember if that was before or after you telling me I was pretty?" I said, pulling a blank expression from the void I was so used to. Theo raised an eyebrow and smirked and I knew exactly what that expression was. He'd found a sparring partner worthy of him.

"It was definitely before I called you a whore," He spat back. Even as I felt my eyelids shutter at the venom in his voice, I kept a straight face and glared back at him.

"Hmm," I murmured. "That must've been in between me telling you I can't fucking stand you." Pansy giggled behind her hand.

"I said I couldn't stand you first, sweetheart, don't leave out the important parts," He seethed and I saw red. People were staring and I was about to be known throughout the whole of Hogwarts as the girl who was sleeping with Theodore Nott, all but confirmed Death Eater. I used the only weapon I had up my sleeve when it came to him, bringing up a past I already knew hurt us both.

"That was only after I called you a fucking mistake," I snapped and I saw Theo's face shut down before he glared at me. "I won't leave out the important parts if you don't, sweetheart." Theo was silent as he glared at me and I glared at him, the people around us looking between us like a fucking ping pong match. He almost looked like he was going to strike forward and hit me, but instead he shook his head and scoffed.

"You're such a piece of fucking work, Fontaine," He sneered at me before he continued to stalk down the Great Hall with Mattheo on his heels, the both of them disappearing beyond the doors with a loud bang as they slammed shut behind them. I glared at the closed doors for several seconds but I turned back to the table and dropped my eyes to my lap, regret already bubbling in my chest no matter how much I thought he deserved it.

"Fuck me, Luce," Pansy said on a breath. "I don't know what the fuck happened between the two of you but I think you just broke him."

"That was cruel of me," I muttered and then Draco's hand pressed down on my thigh. I glanced at him and saw the worried but frustrated look on his face.

"Seems like you and Theo might have a deeper past than I realised," He murmured, low enough that no one could overhear. I sighed.

"I don't want to talk about this, Draco," I said.

"Alright," He said, surprising me with his understanding. "But if you ever do, you know where to find me."

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