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~ lucy ~

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~ lucy ~

I was looking at myself in the full sized mirror the girls and I had mounted on the back of our door, making sure I was looking good when the door swung open and several whistles interrupted my outfit check. I glared at the boys who hadn't bothered to knock as their wolf whistles and round of applause died down.

"Pretty sure your mother's raised you lot well enough to knock before you enter a room," I scowled as Draco, Blaise and Enzo entered my dorm and took up various seats across my desk and Pansy's bed.

"True," Enzo admitted. "But I'm only human, Luce. Catching you in your underwear is a personal challenge of mine." He winked at me and I rolled my eyes. He acted sweet, but he was just as deranged as the others.

"What are you three doing here?" I said as I slammed the door shut again to glance at the way my outfit looked from the back. Blaise wolf-whistled again and I grabbed the hairbrush near me to launch at his head. I smirked when I heard the offended ouch.

"We're here to escort you to the black lake," Draco said and as I glanced at him in the mirror, I wondered if he was puffing his chest out. I turned from the mirror and put my hands on my hips.

"I've never needed an escort before," I said. Blaise and Enzo gave each other a nervous look as Draco pursed his lips, mirroring my stance with hands on his hips.

"I just want to make sure you get there safely, Luce," Draco said. My eyes narrowed.

"Why wouldn't I get there safely, Dray?" I mused, the use of his nickname that so few were allowed to use softened his hard expression. "I'm not in danger. Unless you know something I don't know." I held his eye until his face dropped. I didn't think he knew anything I didn't already know, he was just nervous. The same way I was. I would never admit it, because I didn't need protection, but I was glad my boys were here. As long as they were with me, I knew nothing bad had happened to them.

"Guess I'm going to hell just for worrying about my oldest friend," Draco said, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me close as he pressed a kiss against my hair. I squirmed against him, pulling back as soon as I could.

"Oh my god," I said. "You're ruining my hair."

"That's my girl," Enzo laughed, ducking under Draco's arm and linking ours together. Draco looked annoyed as I followed Enzo out of my dorm with our arms linked together, but soon Enzo was telling me a story about a first year getting lost amongst the moving staircases and I was laughing, trying not to think of anything else.


The black lake looked far from how it did during the day. One end of the shore had a full on live band playing with a bunch of students dancing in front of them. There was a crowd gathered just beyond the dancers who were smoking and laughing amongst themselves. I held onto Enzo's arm harder when I realised none of the dancing or smoking students were Slytherins.

"So the divide really begins," I muttered, mostly to myself, but Enzo squeezed me tighter. He took his arm from mine and instead wrapped it around my shoulders, pulling me close.

"We've got this, Luce," He said as we headed towards the darker part of the lake near the rocks where all the Slytherins seemed to have gathered. Someone had transfigured several couches and Pansy shot me a tight-lipped smile from her place next to Daphne, who looked like she would rather be hit with an unforgivable curse.

"Never knew Slytherin was so boring at a party," A semi-familiar voice said and Enzo and I turned in sync with his arm still around me. It was one of the Weasley twins – George, I was 90% confident.

"Weasley, right?" Theo came from the darkness, smirking as he looked at George while he stood close enough to me his bicep brushed my arm and I gritted my teeth together. "Don't worry about us snakes." George huffed a laugh as Theo laughed.

"Hey, this is a friendly party," George said, lifting his hands like he needed to defend himself. Theo laughed, and even as I heard the sarcastic notes in the laugh I also heard the way he used to laugh before any of this. When he'd been genuinely happy.

"Which is why we are over here all by ourselves," Theo pouted, pretending that he cared about the divide. Instinctively, I reached forward and shoved him. Theo's eyes turned murderous as he stared down at me but then he seemed to realise who had just shoved him and his eyes softened, a huff of a laugh leaving his lips. A real laugh, like he used to. He seemed equally as shocked as I was at the sound and his lips parted slightly, his eyes widening.

"Feeling violent tonight, sweetheart?" He asked as he stared down at me and I felt Enzo's arm tighten around my shoulder.

"Only when I see you," I said and he raised a single brow as he fought to keep his lips from tipping upwards. Seeing him trying not to smile, laughing like he had as a child, it was confusing. I didn't want to see glimpses of the Theo I'd once known when it was clear he'd changed for the worse. It made me think about the what ifs, and it was too dangerous for me to go down that road.

"Anyway," George said, breaking the thick tension between Theo and I and we both looked away from one another towards the ginger. "I was just coming over to see if anyone wanted to come and join us to play a friendly game of truth or drink." Nobody missed the way George's eyebrows waggled in Daphne's direction and her cheeks turned bright red.

"Truth or drink?" Theo murmured, sounding faintly amused. He was still standing close enough to me that I could smell his cologne and I felt dizzy under the assault of it.

"It's all in the name," Pansy drawled from the couch, rolling her eyes. "You tell the truth or you drink."

"Wouldn't expect you to know what that is considering you've been locked up in a cave for the last two years torturing puppies or something," I said and Theo's cold eyes were back on me. He watched me carefully, eyes narrowing as he searched my face for something.

"Are you playing?" He asked and I flipped my hair over my shoulder.

"I always play."

"Then count me in, too," He said, a dark smirk stretching his lips up. I glared at him.

"Great!" George clapped his hands together but Theo and I stayed glaring at one another. "Whoever's in, meet us over by the water."

head above water (oc x mattheo riddle / theodore nott)Where stories live. Discover now