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For the majority of our Herbology class, Mattheo and I didn't speak

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For the majority of our Herbology class, Mattheo and I didn't speak. I was still in a mood from breakfast, every part of me wanting to hate Theo but also hating myself for calling him a mistake like that when it was clear that was a sore spot for him.

Even if I didn't fully believe he still had a heart to break.

Mattheo's jaw was set in a hard line and I could see him grinding his teeth as he measured soil and searched in his textbook for the next step. It looked like he was in his own mood and so we left one another to ourselves with only a quick grunt of approval for who would take on which step.

It was almost the end of the lesson and everyone was packing their things away when I bit down on my lip and reached into my satchel before withdrawing a neatly folded piece of parchment. I turned to Mattheo and cleared my throat.

"Hey, Mattheo," I said softly and for a second he just glared down at his textbook before he turned to look at me in surprise.

"Now we're talking?" He asked in a cold voice and I blinked at the open hostility in his gaze. I'd thought we'd turned some kind of corner the night before but clearly I'd been wrong. I glared at him and fisted the parchment in my hand so it crumpled.

"Guess not," I said coolly as I pulled my satchel over my shoulder. "See you around, Riddle." I opened my fist and let the parchment fall to the floor before I turned on my heel and stalked away from Mattheo Riddle and towards my next class.

I didn't get far down the hallway before a cool hand was clasping around my wrist and pulling me against a hard chest. I looked up to see Mattheo, a storm writhing in his eyes.

"Get your hands off me," I sneered and he glared down at me, holding up the ruined parchment I'd dropped before him in the Herbology classroom.

"What the hell is this, Fontaine?" He asked and I glanced at it. It was still crumpled but it was clear it had been opened before he'd closed it again. I held my head high as I glared back at him.

"It's the list of books I said I'd give you," I said, then fake gasped. "But wait, I must've been talking to one of your other personalities." I pressed my free hand against my mouth and he rolled his eyes, releasing my wrist so I could take a step back.

"Are you this fucking dramatic all the time?" He said and I snorted.

"Says you," I said and rolled my eyes right back at him. "Maybe I wasn't in a great mood during class and didn't feel like talking but you didn't have to fucking look at me like I'd poisoned your house elf when I did talk to you."

"Does your bad mood have to do with fucking Theo?" He asked, disgust dripping from his tongue and I felt myself stall for a second as surprise coated me. I blinked, trying to figure out if he really had just said that.

"I don't see how that is at all your business, Riddle," I said, trying to come off as calm even as my heart was skyrocketing in my chest. Students bustled past us in all directions as they hurried to their next class, but Mattheo and I didn't move as we glared at one another.

"Exactly when did you fuck Theo last night, Fontaine?" He said, taking a step towards me as I took a step back and almost tripped over my robes. Mattheo cocked his head to one side. "Tell me, angel, was it before or after I caught you staring at me in the library? Was it before or after you accidentally touched my hand when turning a page and your thighs clenched together?" Another step forward from him, another back from me. Where were all the students that had been littering the halls seconds ago when I was being cornered by a caged animal that had just been set free? Mattheo's dark eyes glinted.

The fact he knew I'd been staring at him last night. The fact he'd noticed my thighs pressing together when we'd touched. Another step forward. Another step backwards and my spine collided with the stone wall of the castle halls. Mattheo pressed both his palms flat against the wall beside my head, one still holding the crumpled list. I didn't feel so cool and collected in this position.

"Still none of your business, Riddle," I seethed, trying to stay as strong as I could even as my core betrayed me and butterflies erupted as he stood so close to me, yet careful not to touch me. "What I do in my free time and who I spend it with is up to me."

"Sure," He said, then leaned forward so his nose brushed against the shell of my ear. I couldn't stop the shiver that rolled through my entire body. "But tell me one thing, angel, when you fucked him were you thinking about me?" His voice was a caress and my knees trembled before I gasped and shoved him back, barely making him move as all he did was move his face away from my ear and smirk.

"You're a fucking pig," I told him. "Of course not!" It wasn't a lie. When I'd been Theo, I'd been thinking about Theo. I couldn't even tell myself the only reason I'd wanted to have sex with Theo last night was to scratch the itch my dream about Mattheo had caused because even if I'd used dulling that ache as an excuse I wanted him to fuck me anyway.

"You wouldn't be lying to me, Fontaine, would you?" He asked and this time when I pushed his chest he stumbled back and I pushed myself from the wall so I couldn't be trapped again. I shoved his chest once more and he smirked, letting me push him back several steps.

"No," I snapped. "And if you're so desperate to know, he fucked me against a desk before I saw you last night. The entire time you and I were together, I had his cum dripping down my thighs." I gathered myself, feeling my confidence seep back in again and flipped my hair over my shoulders.

"I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, Riddle," I told him. "I shouldn't have looped Theo in with those, but you – you are one mistake I will never make." I shoved him one more time before I stalked off towards the class I was extremely late for, not turning once even as I felt Mattheo's eyes burning into the back of my head.

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