Imagine 11: Set Free🦋

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pairing: Y/N x Alastor

*Your POV*

You walk restlessly--almost as if you're waiting for someone late into the night--down the cracked steps of your crumbling mansion in one of the many rings of Hell.

Your feet glide across the stained floor gracefully, the white of your wedding gown picking up the dust and debris like a feather duster.

You would have been frantic at the thought of your white wedding dress touching filth, though lately, you do not care as much as you used to. You're dress has aged over the centuries of your days in Hell, slowly decomposing away...much like you...

You approach two large wooden doors, pushing them open to reveal the vast darkened ballroom, merely lit by Hell's moonlight shining through the tinted blue windows hanging on your wall.

The smooth, polished glass dancefloor sparkles in the light, even under all the dents and cracks, its still beautiful.
Your feet lead you to the center of the ballroom, as your eyes take in your empty, quiet surroundings.

The grand piano that sits in the corner hides under a white sheet, rotting away and it's keys rusted from years of neglect.
The once red and silver lined velvet couches have now been chewed due to the rats that will become new residents of this place...

Once you depart.

You inhale a shuddering breath, feeling the warmth glow of the moonlight bask on your body.
It is nearly only have these last final minutes to yourself. Before you finally...give up.

Your eyes catch sight of yourself in the glass beneath your feet. Slowly, you look down.
What looks back, is the sight of you, a pale, bluish skinned demon woman, whose left arm is merely bone and no flesh.

Your hair trails down your back stopping at your tailbone, your curvy waist revealing a portion of your rib cage through the ripped part of your wedding dress.
You are a decomposing sight...and still see that flicker of beauty you once had.

Your eyes are a sparkly blue, bright and shining, even against the darkness of Hell. Your round face shape still having its color, and your smile sad yet...beautiful.

Even after so still wear your wedding dress, your ripped and stained veil trailing down your hair, and your dried decomposed bouquet of flowers in your hands. 

You never once took your dress was all you had left.
All you had left of your once human life on earth, before you had taken your life at quarter three under an ancient oak tree.

When you awoke, you found yourself in Hell...looking into the nearest mirror to see your once white skin now tainted blue, and your once beautiful perfect body now missing bits and pieces, revealing your bones.

You are a Bride Demon. The only Bride Demon in Hell, the only Bride Demon who has ever existed.

You are Demon who is obsessed with finding true love, that you couldn't see the sick love consume you entirely, twisting you, bending you to its will.

You fell victim to such sick love on the night of your wedding. Your husband had began to beat you, and you, killed him in self defense. Before ending your own life due to the crime you just committed.

Alastor x Reader Imagines❤ ✔[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now