Imagine 3: Quite A Night🌆 Pt. 2

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Pairing: Demon Y/N x Alastor

summary: *The next morning, Alastor wakes up with a SPLITTING headache, and to see the sight of Y/N sleeping beside him. He becomes extremely embarrassed, and when
Y/N wakes up, they have a talk...*

*Alastor's POV*

Ugghhhhh, Hell's birds chirping outside my window.
I slowly open my eyes, the sunlight shining through my window making me hiss as I close them again.

My head feels like its been shot...again.

What even happened last night—
I look to my right, and quickly sit up, holding back—with my hand thrown over my mouth—a scream when I see that Y/N IS IN MY BED!!!


Memories flood my head, making my eyes widen as I groan, bringing a hand to my temple.

"Oh shit Alastor, what have you done now?"

I hear Y/N groan besides me, moving around, before exhaling, still asleep.
I can't help but stare at her.

Her H/C is messy and covering parts of her face, so I gently move it aside to see her E/C and soft face...
Her lips...

Another memory hits me, making my eyes widen again.

I kissed her last night...
How could  have done that to her? In that state?
I groan again, throwing my hands over my face.

"I'm such a fool," I whisper.

*Y/N's POV*

When I wake up, its 9:00 in the morning.
And Alastor isn't there.

I sit up, worried that something might have happened, but before I can react, I see him step out of the bathroom, towel on his head as he dries his red and black hair.

He's not dressed too fancy, just in shorts and one of his white undershirts.
Which is SHOCKING to see him wear JUST THAT.

I stare at him wide eyed, and when he sees me, he jumps back and gasps softly.

"Y/N! Yo-you're awake," he tries to smile his causal smile, but I see hints of nervousness and embarrassment hidden behind it.
"H-how did you sleep?"

I slowly slip out of the bed, stretching and smoothing down my hair.
"Better then in my own bed," I say, before yawning, "you feeling okay Al?"

"Not entirely," he sighs, bringing a hand to his forehead, "my head feels like its been run over by a runaway freight train."

"You were pretty drunk," I mumble, which makes his sigh loudly, before he plops down on a chair, throwing his hands over his face, his deer ears drooping.

"Alastor?" I ask.

"Forgive me Y/N. I never meant for you to deal with my...drunken self. It wasn't right, putting that on you. And I promise, it will never happen again."

I've never heard him sound so...ashamed.
It hurts a little.

I kneel in front of him. "It's-It's okay, Al. I mean, nothing happened."
A lie. A lot happened.
He kissed me, and practically said he loved me...
But I don't tell him that.

He lowers his hands, looking at me for several silent moments before exhaling again, standing up and going to the bed, sitting down so his back faces me.

"I kissed you last night, without your consent..."

My eyes widen, and floods of nervousness hit me.
I begin to pinch the tips of my fingers.

"You...don't have to be ashamed about that. I-I mean..." I rub my neck nervously, "what kiss?" I try to be cool, but it doesn't work.

He sighs again. "It's instinctive to be ashamed, darling," he says, "I've never had a true friend and I...I don't know how to deal with stuff like that. I've always kept the things I enjoy to do in secret. But...I do feel comfortable around you, Y/N. I just feel that what happened with my foolishness last night could have ruined it."

My heart starts to beat a little slower.
Every word he's said hits me in the chest, making me inhale sharply, feeling his pain as my own.

I go to the front of him and kneel, hands on his knees.
He looks down at me.
"Nothing's changed," I whisper, "nothing will ever change the way I care for you." I slowly reach out and touch his hand, hesitantly because I know he hates to be touched.

But he allows it, wrapping his hand around mine.
He shuts his eyes. "I don't expect you to fully understand. No one ever did when I was alive, that's why I prefer to be alone." He shakes his head. "Why has this happened? I don't ever have to explain my ways to anyone," he hisses, bringing a hand to his head. "Ugh it hurts even more..."

I smile softly, standing up to gently touch his head.
"Want me to get you some stuff for that headache?"


I nod, going into the bathroom and grabbing some painkillers and water before I walk back to Alastor and pass it to them.
He takes it within seconds, before groaning and laying back down, hand over his eyes.

I sit on his bed, hands between my legs.
I need to know this...



"Did you mean what you said last night?"
He looks at me.

"Oh darling I'll need you to explain even more, for I could have said anything and everything to you last night."

I giggle softly, before answering.
"Well, to sum it up, you...practically told me you loved me."

His eyes widen.
He groans, shutting his eyes again. "I will forever curse the affects of alcohol..."

"Did you mean it?" I ask again.
He sits up. "Of course I did, Y/N," he says, "I know I appear to be the type that doesn't...feel these type of things, but I do feel something for you. I've felt it the first moment I saw you..." he sighs, "and I feel like such a fool that you found out through me being drunk."

I scoot closer to him, cupping his face and smiling.
"And if you weren't, would you have still told me?"

He can't answer, for I gently kiss him.
I feel him stiffen beneath me, but as I slowly pull away, he tugs me back, kissing me, slow, gently, savoring it.

My heart feels like its about to explode.
I know this is ridiculous but....this is my version of Heaven.
Being here with Alastor, feeling his lips against mine, his hands on my waist.
Just being HERE with Alastor, is heaven itself.

When we pull away, I can see faint blushes on his face.
I giggle. "Well, my darling," I run my fingers through his hair, "I think this is the beginning to something great..."


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