Imagine 12: The Art Of Dance✨ (Pt. 2/Finale)

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pairing: Y/N x Alastor

*summary: *Y/N has been forced to continuously dance at Mimzy's club for the radio demon Alastor.
But one night...Alastor will invite Y/N to his mansion for a...private show*

*Your POV*

You have been dancing nonstop at Mimzy's club for going over three weeks now, day in and day not. The soles of your feet are blistered and stinging with each step, as if you're stepping on knives whenever you walk. In this situation, some days you feel like Ariel in The Little Mermaid story. Not the Disney version, the original dark tale, where Ariel was mute, and each step she took she felt as if she walked on knives.

No matter how much you've wanted to leave, Mimzy refused it. Though deep down, Mimzy would gladly get rid of your presence if it meant she didn't have to see your beautiful face that stole the man of her dreams, Mimzy's hands are tied.

If she got rid of you, she would upset Alastor.

And everyone knows that you do not want to upset the Radio Demon.

So, for three weeks, you have been forced to stay and dance for the Radio Demon's happiness. One of your dislikes of this situation, is that you aren't getting a dime for your shows. You are dancing for free. Though the money situation is the least of your...frustrations.

The main reason of your frustration and dislike is...every time you are ready to dance on stage, Alastor demands that any demon or employee in the club leave, so that he may be the only one to see you dance.

It was disgusting almost...the way his eyes would watch your every movement in such a...hungry manner. It was sickening to you, and very much terrifying. You knew Alastor's reputation very well, and knowing the fact that he had taken such a strong interest in a lesser demoness like yourself, you couldn't help but wonder if there was something up his sleeve.

If possibly...he was planning something more than just watching you dance.

You were told by Mimzy to get ready to go back onstage, and instantly, you feel dread fill your stomach. This is the fifth time this week you've gone on stage and danced for his amusement. Your body is tired, aching, and so sore you can barely lift your arms. had no choice. It was sad really, for years you danced for the enjoyment and art of it. But after meeting someone like Alastor, he's shaped your beautiful dance of art into a dance of survival...

You had no choice or say it in anymore, he had full control over that part of you.

With shaky hands, you delicately put on your black dancing shoes that resemble ballet slippers. You managed to keep this pair nice for three years, but in these three weeks, you already need a replacement pair.

When you rise to your feet to go have one final look in the mirror hanging on the wall, the door suddenly flew open, and in walks a rather...short demon, with black and white color skinned and black hair. His eyes the color of orange, and his face holding no emotion.

You curiously look over your shoulder at this...demon. The word Imp flashes across your head, but before you even have the chance to ask what his purpose is being here, the demon passes you a black envelope sealed with the color red.

"A letter addressed to you," he says in a quick voice, faint almost.

A letter?

Alastor x Reader Imagines❤ ✔[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now