Happy Valentine From Alastor😊

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A: "H- Hello? Is- Is this thing on? *taps the microphone* testing?"

V: Alastor, it's on.

A: "Oh! well hello there! I was told by a certain young lady that today the mortal's celebrate this holiday of love called...Valentine's Day? Is that correct?"

V: *nods* And?

A: "And Valerie requested that I wish EVERYONE a Happy Valentine's Day! So! I canceled all my plans today just to come to the mortal realm and wish everyone a good, happy day! Of course, *looks at Valerie* in return for..."

V: *rolls eyes* I promised him fresh Venison from the mortal realm.

A: "And who could pass up on that?! *laughs* Anyhoo, happy Valentine's to all! Even if you don't celebrate, or are to lazy to celebrate, or just plain forgot, happy Valentine's Day! And as for those who are possibly alone on this day...just remember, you aren't entirely alone. But if that isn't enough, then remember, that if you are feeling down... *brings two fingers to the corners of his lips* then I shall lend you one of my famous smiles, and assure you that no matter what others may think...you are loved, and special. And that you aren't alone on Valentine's Day, for you have me. *smiles* now chin up! And don't forget darlings! You're never fully dressed without a smile! Now, show me that beautiful smile the world is naked without!"

V: Happy Valentine's Day!

A: *summons a rose, passing it towards the camera* "A rose for all my darlings. Happy Valentine's."


Happy Valentine's Day! Alastor wanted me to share this to anyone who is alone on Valentine's day (me included)
So he hopes this brought a smile to your face!🥰

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